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International Relations Essay Examples & Topics

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The Impact of Vietnam War on Global Politics and Society

1. Introduction This booklet is about the effects of the Vietnam War on global politics and society. By its nature, it does not aim to contribute an extensive or original political or historical analysis of the war, or explore in any depth its origins or imply that it ended in the way it did because only two rich, influential countries were involved who, in the end felt compelled to concede to the popular demands of their peoples, or because the rest of the world were so emboldened by the stand ...

The Impact of Globalization on the Political and Economic Landscape of Eastern Europe

1. Introduction Given the characteristics of Eastern Europe before 1989, what has happened since then has pushed the countries of Eastern Europe off the course that they were following for many decades. In the field of international relations and politics, communism can be defined as the opposite of globalization. That is, the extensive use of the various forms of protection of the domestic economy from the world economy by governments in the communist countries prevented the dominant internati ...

The Impact of Military Leadership: Examining the Role and Legacy of General Francisco Franco in Spain

1. Introduction When examining the relationship between military leadership and the political process, there are three strategies for understanding how military rulers impact their countries. By examining the political system during the period of military rule, we can see how they altered the interests and incentives of political and economic actors within the regime or society. In other words, what are the interests, opinions, and values of the military elite and how are they changed over time ...

The Economic and Political Relationship Between Mexico and the United States

1. Introduction Mexico and the United States are linked not only by a 2000 mile boundary and by a common history, but by an extensive economic overlap as well. A number of studies have examined different aspects of the economic relations between Mexico and the United States: agricultural trade, industrial organization and foreign industrial investment in Mexico, the growth of direct investment in Mexico from the United States, exchange rate policies, the pattern of the flow of capital between t ...

The Influence of 'Politique Mon' on International Relations

1. Introduction The relationship between political analysis and moral judgment has always been with us. The word politics has its origin in the Greek word 'polis', and in fact Olivia Harmon, in the introduction to 'The Political Writings', says that "the most general category into which the individuals, institutions and events he [Bodin] discusses can be grouped is not 'society', but polity - the spherical kingdom, the commonwealth, the civil association, the political unit". Political empirici ...

Análisis comparativo de la evolución de los derechos humanos en diferentes países

1. Introducción Recientemente, en esta asignatura, hemos realizado un viaje por diferentes culturas, las cuales a lo largo de la historia han utilizado distintos sistemas filosóficos y religiosos para modelar los sistemas normativos de sus respectivas sociedades. Sin haber encontrado (hasta hace bien poco) una serie de valores comunes, en la actualidad se ha dado un salto gigantesco respecto a distintos aspectos, cambios de los que aún no somos conscientes. Antes de proseguir, hay que destacar ...

The Impact of 'Das Rela Es' on International Relations and Diplomacy

1. Introduction "Diplomacy, the art of the possible," has been one of the most flexible disciplines to adapt to new international realities. The art of making and conducting implements in international relations touches upon almost every aspect of human life, from war to the environment, from public health to human rights. But like other forms of making and conducting and means of making significant changes, like our very lives, diplomacy has its apogee and its crisis. And it is precisely in th ...

El destino de los refugiados en el mundo contemporáneo

1. Introducción "La historia no registra párrafos en los capítulos que siguen a este sobre la asombrosa tormenta del 13 de septiembre de 1923, porque sencillamente ésta ya no reventaba." Joan Sales, "Incidentes sin importancia." En los últimos años del siglo XX hemos asistido a un cambio en la forma de ver y afrontar el hecho del refugio. Ignoro, aunque tengo mis sospechas acerca de una regresión, si esa transformación mantendrá la intensidad con que se ha manifestado durante todo el siglo. Ell ...

Análisis de los tratados de paz más significativos en la historia mundial y su impacto en las relaciones internacionales

1. Introducción Los tratados de paz son un fenómeno en continua evolución en el contexto de las relaciones internacionales, tanto por el reconocimiento cada vez mayor de la multiplicidad de actores internacionales, como por la gran variedad de conflictos y ámbitos geográficos en los que se desarrollan las llamadas "guerras". Dentro de esta dinámica, en la actualidad, el concepto "guerra", en el ámbito de las relaciones internacionales, es uno de los conceptos más controvertidos. El tratamiento ...

Las medidas necesarias para garantizar la igualdad de derechos y oportunidades en la sociedad moderna

1. Introducción La igualdad entre todos los españoles sería "ideal" y se consigue en la teoría de estos preceptos de la Constitución, pero en la práctica no se cumple el cuarenta por ciento de los artículos que tratan esta cuestión en el aludido ordenamiento jurídico. Como ya he indicado al principio de estas líneas, todos los españoles tienen los mismos derechos según el art. 14 de la vigente Constitución Española. "Todos los españoles son iguales ante la ley y no podrá prevalecer discriminaci ...

L'Impact économique de la Mondialisation sur les Pays en Développement

1. Introduction L'introduction de ce travail met en lumière l'importance de comprendre l'impact économique de la mondialisation sur les pays en développement. Il souligne également les objectifs de l'étude, ainsi que la méthodologie utilisée pour analyser les différentes dimensions de ce phénomène économique complexe. 1.1. Définitions et Concepts Clés Cette section vise à clarifier les termes et concepts fondamentaux liés à la mondialisation et à son impact économique sur les pays en dévelop ...

La guerra de los Balcanes: causas, desarrollo y consecuencias

1. Introducción a la guerra de los Balcanes Los Balcanes, como diría el italiano Enrico Cecchetti, suelen ser considerados los "polvorines de la Europa balcanizada". Durante 1913, un año poco recordado por lo efímero de las dos guerras mundiales, los estados balcánicos se enzarzaron en lo que se conoce como la Segunda Guerra de los Balcanes o del Muro, cuyas causas y consecuencias marcarían el desarrollo de la célebre serie de guerras. No quiero aburrirles con la historia que en los sucesos rem ...

The Role of La Résolution in Conflict Resolution and Peacebuilding

1. Introduction An increased focus of Western industrialized democracies on the establishment of the rule of law in post-conflict and developing states has accompanied and complemented the intense interest in modern times in conflict resolution, peacebuilding, peace operations, and general prospective war avoidance. This focus has led to a burgeoning literature on numerous assorted aspects of the idea and the machinery. With all this, it is disquieting that a much older and historically establi ...

The Impact of Cultural Perspectives on Global Relations

1. Introduction Global relations, of course, seemed fairly simple when there was a single superpower, or even when the nations of the world could be sorted on a single continuum between a 'first' and a 'second' or a 'third', depending upon the level of their industrial development. The disappearance of the most single-minded of those superpowers, the Soviet Union, and the emergence, alongside it, of a market-based economy turning its cultures of thought, relationship and activity outward toward ...

The Impact of Political and Economic Policies on Social Justice and Human Rights in Latin America

1. Introduction In the mid-1990s, more than ever before, there is a global consensus and commitment to ensuring the universality of human rights, the primacy of labor and human rights "social clauses" to trade and investment agreements, and the democratization of many countries across the globe. The ability of political and human rights actors to promote, claim, and enjoy these rights through governmental and non-governmental institutions and non-violent conflict resolution mechanisms was in pa ...

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International Relations - Essay Examples And Topic Ideas For Free

International Relations (IR) is the study of interactions among countries, including the roles of states, international organizations, non-governmental organizations, and multinational corporations. Essays on IR could explore various theories (e.g., realism, liberalism, constructivism) and their applications to contemporary global issues. They might delve into case studies of particular international disputes, alliances, or treaties, and explore the implications of different ideological or policy approaches to international affairs. A substantial compilation of free essay instances related to International Relations you can find at PapersOwl Website. You can use our samples for inspiration to write your own essay, research paper, or just to explore a new topic for yourself.

the Significance of World War i (Wwi) in International Relations

The occurrence of World War I at the beginning of the 20th century was a central event that fundamentally changed the political structure of Europe. Analysis of World War I via international relations provides a variety of multitudes of theories to describe the conflict and the war itself. These theories include realism, liberalism, constructivism. It is a foundational case for the theories of international relations that address the causes of war in which they address the deterrence, balance of power, […]

Napoleon’s Impact on International Relations

Napoleon's Impact on French-British International RelationsIntroductionFrance had been at battle with its European neighbors for quite a long time preceding the occasions of 1789 and it was not und 1802 that the struggles contradicting it to other European States would reach a conclusion with the marking of the Treaty of Amiens with England. The tranquility of Amiens was brief be that as it may. In 1803, scarcely one half years after the settlement, France proclaimed conflict on England and set […]

The Cold War: Severe Tension between the United States and the Soviet Union

The feuding began after World War II, mostly regarding political and economic power. After the destruction that World War II caused, the United States and the Soviet Union were left standing. Gaining control of countries was sought after, even if the countries weren't benefiting them in any way. During this time, it was all about power. From the years of 1957 to 1975, the Cold War was in full effect and the United States and the Soviet Union were in […]

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Concept of International Relations in Star Wars

The movie, Star Wars, is about the struggle for control of the galaxy between the Rebels, representing the old Jedi Republic, and the Imperial Empire. The movie opens with a rebel space ship being stopped, boarded, and seized by Darth Vader and the Galactic Empire. Previously, the galaxy was a republic. After a war and now a little over a decade later, the Galactic Empire controls the galaxy and seeks to end the rebellion. In an early scene, you see […]

How did the Cold War Affect the World Today

This project is going to be about the Cold War affect at that time and today. The author-topic happened in the United States and the Soviet Union and during the mid of the 40's to late 80's. The author argument about a political and economic struggle between the two superpowers, we can describe it as militarism. This topic is essential to the United States Because the United States emerged as the sole superpower in the world and, capitalism beat communism. […]

Modern American Imperialism

By the end of the 18th century, the British Empire was one of the biggest colonial powers in the world. It had colonies in many countries across the world such as India and Australia. There were other colonial powers such as Spain, France, and the Netherlands. One of the latest countries which entered the imperialistic way was the U.S. It saw that other countries, especially Great Britain, were gaining resources, territories and most importantly dominance over the world. The U.S. […]

Relationship between United States and Soviet Union during Cold War

United States and Soviet Union's tensions were increasing and on edge leading up to, during, and after the Cold War. The conflict between the Soviet Union and the United States has two very different sides, creating different ways to place responsibility. The Soviet and US conflict began before the Cold War and continued on throughout. At the end of the WWII, Germany was defeated and split up among the victors. Because of this division, in 1948, conflict arose in the […]

Effects of the Cold War

The Cold War was a time of hostility that went on between the Soviet Union and the US from 1945 to 1990. This rivalry between the United States and the Soviet Union lasted decades and created a result in anti communist accusations and international problems that led up to the two superpowers to the brink of nuclear disaster. During World War II, the Soviet Union and United States fought together as allies against the axis powers. However, the two nations […]

The Significance of the Bay of Pigs Invasion and the Cuban Missile Crisis on the Cold War

On January 1, 1959 a Cuban nationalist by the name of Fidel Castro, drove his guerilla army into Havana, the capital of Cuba. Him and his guerrilla dethroned General Fulgencio Batista who was the Cuban president at the time. He ruled for two two years while the State Department and the CIA aimed to push Castro out of power. Eventually, in April 1961, the CIA organized a definitive strike made up of Cubans that had been forced to flee from […]

Ending the Cold War

The Cold War, America's risk of starting a third world war with the U.S.S.R but also one of America's most profitable and popular wars. The cold war begun after the WWII, when the soviets took control of half of Germany and wanted to expand their control over Asia and surrounding countries. Russia wanted to expand communism through out the pacific and the U.S wanted to liberate it and make it a more democratic place. Before this became an arms race, […]

The Vietnam War in U.S History

The Vietnam War has been known in U.S history as the longest and most controversial war. The United States became involved in Vietnam to avoid having the country fall to a communist form of government. There were numerous fateful battles that claimed countless lives of those on both sides of the war. This war also resulted in many conflicts for the United States on the home front of the war, when the American people no longer supported the war. North […]

Richard Nixon Foreign Policy and Cold War

The Cold War began to come to an end once President Richard Nixon stepped into office. He wanted to take a different approach to the international relations by using diplomacy instead of military action. In 1972, Leonid Brezhnev, the Soviet premier, and Nixon signed the Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty. This treaty made both sides agree to halt all nuclear weapons manufacturing. This would then lead to a big step to ending the threat of nuclear war. Even though Nixon had […]

The Vietnam War in History

The Vietnam war was a conflict between the north and south vietnam governments and the time span of this war began from 1954 all the way down to the year of 1975 fighting in the locations or North Vietnam, South Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos. One important fact was the south of vietnam had an ally who were the United States, but also the north had help from China and the Soviet Union. With the two enemies having their own allies […]

Ideological Conflict in the Cold War

The cold war was a time of tension between the Soviet Union and the United States and their respective ideologies. It followed World War II and lasted from about 1945-1991. It was not declared in the same sense as most wars; rather, it progressed over time. Therefore, there are different opinions about the exact beginning of the war. The places of hostilities most often were competitions, such as: who gets to space first, sports events and espionage. This was proof […]

Sino Vietnamese Just War

The Sino-Vietnamese War, also known as the Third Indochina War, occurred in 1979 when troops from the People's Republic of China attacked the Socialist Republic of Vietnam. This war came after the First Indochina War and the Vietnam War (or the Second Indochina War). The First Indochina War lasted from 1946 to 1954 and involved a conflict between China and the Soviet Union backed Vietnam and France to control the area called Indochina. While the communist People's Republic of China […]

How the American Revolution had Influenced on France

The American Revolution had surfaced from the adversary between the British and the American colonists in the New World who were fighting desperately for their independence. The French and Indian War contributed greatly to this fight for independence, as the cost of the war was abundant and prompted the British to initiate harsh taxes on the American colonists, such as the Sugar Act. Along with the high costs, what additionally resulted from the French and Indian War was the French […]

World War i Vs World War II

World War I and World War II were very similar in many ways. Both began because of the clash of political ideologies. For example, there were imperialistic, nationalistic, and militaristic countries both involved in the wars. As they were similar, they also differ in a number of ways; none of the countries fighting in World War I had a dictator whereas World War II had multiple dictators from the same few countries. World War I and II also had differences […]

The Effects that World War i and World War II had on Minority Groups in America

At the beginning of the 1900s, many problems were arising overseas that would eventually lead to the First World War. The expansion of the war happened quickly. Overall, thirty-two nations were involved. Twenty-eight of which were a part of the Associated powers (the Allies). The Allies included the British Empire, France, Serbia, the United States of America, Italy, and Russia. The Central Powers that opposed them were Bulgaria, Austria-Hungary, Germany, and the Ottoman Empire. In the beginning, President Woodrow Wilson […]

The Vietnam War in the World History

Silence is all the soldiers could hear but they knew that they weren't alone. Soldiers from a foreign country attacked them from the shadows. Thousands of young American men were killed in the forests deep in Vietnam. The national interest of America that Americans developed after the Yalta Conference encouraged us to join the Korean War which led to the Vietnam War,the most regretted war in US History, guided America when it comes to foreign policies. At the end of […]

The Longest War Fought in America’s History

The Vietnam War was iniated in November 1st 1955 and was finished on April 30 1975 because communism was starting to grow in Vietnam and the U.S wanted to keep it contained. At the time President Nixon was really worried that if Vietnam was to become communist other nations would soon follow and switch to communism. Ultimately at the end of the war there were a million plus casualties on both sides. The war officially ended in 1975 with the […]

What is Vietnam War Known For?

Vietnam, a nation that had been under French colonial rule since the 19th century. During World War II, Japanese forces invaded Vietnam. To fight off both Japanese occupiers and the French colonial administration, political leader Ho Chi Minh. In 1945 the defeat in World War II, Japan withdrew its forces from Vietnam, leaving the French-educated Emperor Bao Dai in control. This was seen as an opportunity to gain control; Ho's Viet Minh forces immediately rose up to take over the […]

Cold War in China, Cold War in Cuba, and Space Race

Today, I'm going to write a research paper about, Origins of the cold war, Cold War in China, Cold War in Cuba, and Space Race. These four topics are all related to the horrible tragedies that happened during the Cold War. A lot of families suffered during this war. A lot of the soldiers have died during this war. I will start off with my first topic, which is Origins of the Cold War. I hope you enjoy reading my […]

Imperialism or Internationalism

Throughout history, the failure of states has contributed to the rise of great powers as a solution to this collective problem. A variety of states have emerged throughout time each seeking to exert their sphere of influence over the given state(s). Specifically, these great powers embodied the practice of imperialism to which they sought to influence others through military force and/or diplomacy. Many states have historically used imperialism as a counterattack to the increased threat of the disorder and chaos […]

The Erosion of American Support for the Vietnam War

To begin, a massive amount of Americans are considered to be nationalistic and resonate with patriot appeals. A well known U.S rhetoric quote claims that America is "the greatest nation in the world". This can be used to U.S military advantage because it encourages or motivates United States citizens to support their country politically and to remain patriotic. As a result, in the 1950s, Americans had almost unconditionally support for their countries military actions and were fully on board with […]

Cold War Communism in East Germany and Poland

The Cold War was an ideological War that happened between the Soviet Union and the United States, and it started after the Second World War. After the Second World War, Germany was defeated, and France and Britain were left exhausted and drained. The Soviet Union and the United States were also drained, but they remained with considerable power, and they rose to the status of superpower. The Soviet Union and the United States became rivals via mutual distrust and conflicting […]

The Cold War and U.S Diplomacy

My take on President Kennedy's doctrine ""Respond flexibly to communist expansion, especially to guerrilla warfare from 1961 to 1963"". The doctrine by President John F. Kennedy. During the Second World War, the Soviet Union and the United States worked together in fighting Nazi of Germany. The coalition between the two parties was dissolved after the end of the war in Europe. During the Potsdam conference, the tension broke up on July when the two parties decided to share Germany. The […]

Geopolitics and the Cold War

Soon following World War II was the Cold War. The Cold War was a hapless and extreme time of discomfort caused by a great geopolitical tension between two areas(Prager U). The western bloc and the eastern bloc served great roles in this conflict. The western bloc contained countries allied with NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization).Such as France, Norway, and Denmark. As for the term Eastern bloc referred to countries associated and run by the soviet union. These were countries like […]

About the Cuban Missile Crisis

Introduction Cuba Missile Crisis occurred when soviet confronted United States. The crisis happened in Cuba in October 1962. It was a form of the cold war between the United States and the USSR. The war was initiated after the United States noticed that the soviet had placed the missiles in the Cuba. There was a secret agreement between the Cuba president and the Soviet state to prevent the United States from invading the Cuba again after the first attempt failed. […]

American Troops in the Vietnam War

Lyndon B. Johnson was the 36th President of the United States, coming into the office after the death of President John F. Kennedy in November 1963. At the time of World War II, Johnson earned a Silver Star in the South Pacific serving in the Navy as a lieutenant administrator. Johnson was chosen to the Senate in 1948 after six terms in the White House. Before serving as Kennedy's vice president, Johnson had represented Texas in the United States Senate. […]

The Cuban Missile Crisis and Cold War

COLD WAR 1947 - 1991 The Cold War referred to the competition, the tensions and a series of confrontations between the United States and Soviet Union, backed by their respective allies. The Cuban Missile Crisis was the considered to be the high point of what came to be known as the Cold War because of the following reasons. 1) Worries of the USSR In April 1961, the leaders of the USSR were worried that the United States would invade the […]

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