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20+ SAMPLE Research Information Sheet in PDF | MS Word
Research Information Sheet | MS Word
20+ sample research information sheet, what is a research information sheet, why are research information sheets important, the components of a standard research information sheet, how to create a proper research information sheet, how long should a research information sheet for participants be, how will participant information be kept confidential, what are the other names of an information sheet.
Research Information Sheet Template
University Research Information Sheet
Simple Research Participant Information Sheet
Funder Research Information Sheet
Research Participant COVID-19 Information Sheet
Research Information Sheet in PDF
Research Project by Student Information Sheet
Research Ethics Committee Information Sheet
Research Information Sheet For Parents
Research Participants Covid-19 Information Sheet
Educational Research Information Sheet
Research Questionnaire Information Sheet
Research Information Sheet For Focus Group Interviews
Sample Research Information Sheet
Research Administration Suppemental Information Sheet
Basic Research Information Sheet
Research Subject Information Sheet
Research Information Sheet Example
Research Information Sheet in DOC
Exempt Research Information Sheet
Printable Research Information Sheet
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Table of Contents
- FREE 10+ Research Information Sheet Templates in PDF | MS Word
1. Participant Information Sheet Template
2. sample participant information sheet, 3. standard participant information sheet.
- Participant Information Sheet
5. Participant Information Sheet Example
6. participant information sheet and consent form, 7. professional participant information sheet, 8. information sheet for participant, 9. research information sheet template, 10. research subject information sheet, 11. format of research subject information sheet, elements of a research information sheet, research templates.
Research information sheet is also known as participant information sheet . This sheet and consent forms are both important aspects of conducting a study and organizing it. The sheet provides prospective respondents with the required information for the study’s purpose and methods and information sources to answer any further queries to enable them to provide consent.
4. Simple Participant Information Sheet
Invitation Paragraph
Purpose of the study, why has the particular person been chosen, does the individual need to take part, what will happen to the individual if i take part, what do i have to do, are there any potential drawbacks and/or risks involved if the participants take part, what are the possible benefits of taking part, will the information of the participant be kept confidential, what happens to the findings of the research, who is organizing and funding the research, ethical review of the study, contact for further information, more in research templates, data integration exploratory research template, learning gaps action research template, law firm legal research list template, law firm legal meeting minutes template, law firm legal letter template, law firm legal research checklist template, law firm legal agreement template, law firm board resolution for legal and compliance issues template, law firm legal risk assessment memo template, law firm legal opinion memo template.
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Template participant consent form and participant information sheet
Providing information about the research to participants, and gaining consent from participants before their involvement is a critical part of conducting ethical research.
Participant information sheet
All participants need to be provided access to an information sheet, and to understand the full details of the research, and how they will be involved. Please use the following template:
- Template participant information sheet
- Template participant information sheet veterinary research
Participant consent form
Before research begins, it is important to first obtain participant’s consent on the basis of their full and proven understanding of what the research will entail. Please use the following template:
- Template participant consent form
These templates should be followed as far as possible, as these have been developed using national guidance and expert input from Committee members and Lay Members. However, there may be times when it is appropriate to deviate from the templates in order to meet the needs of a specific research population.
The Health Research Authority and UK Research and Innovation webpages contain further guidance and templates on good practice when consenting participants.
Good practice in consenting participants
You should consider innovative ways of providing consent that are appropriate to your research population, for example, in addition to participant information and consent forms, could you provide the information using visual methods, such as a recorded video, or a study leaflet. Could you develop your forms in partnership with the communities who will take part in the study? Please see the 'informed consent' section of the research ethics handbook for further guidance.
Participant information sheets & informed consent forms
How to provide information and seek consent from research participants.
Potential participants need information on which to base their choice to take part in clinical research. It is important that information given to participants before obtaining their written informed consent is clear and concise and fully explains all aspects of the research.
The HRA (Health Research Authority) provides detailed guidelines to help avoid delay at sponsor and ethics review. Make sure that you use the latest version.
Please also refer to:
Guidance for researchers seeking sponsorship
Template consent form
Participant information sheets.
Providing an information sheet is just one part of seeking the consent of participants. The REC will consider the whole process.
- The level of detail should be appropriate to the complexity of the study.
- Write in simple, non-technical terms that a lay person will understand.
Discussion is the most effective way to ensure consent is 'informed'. It is important that the person seeking consent spends time going through written information and does not simply give it to the participant to read on their own. This should be outlined at the top of the information sheet, perhaps suggesting how long it may take.
Depending on your research goal, you may need to consider a number of information sheets as follows:
- participant information sheet for adults
- information sheet for parents/guardians (if involving children/young people)
- information sheet(s) for children/young people
- consultee information sheet (for consultees of adults lacking capacity to consent)
Information sheets for minors
Where the Clinical Trial Regulations apply (ie for CTIMPs), a minor is defined as someone under the age of 16. Where common law applies (all research not covered by the regulations), the law states that the age of majority is 18.
Be clear in all documentation about whether you are seeking consent or assent (seeking the child’s agreement) and, if in doubt, contact the Research Governance, Ethics & Assurance Team .
Consent requires a full explanation of the study. Assent requires a clear explanation (comprehensible rather than comprehensive) as consent will be sought from the parent.
Information sheets should be designed for each appropriate age range to reflect comprehension and development, for example:
- children or young people 11–15 years
- children 6–10 years
- children 5 years and under: predominantly pictorial, with very simple sentences to be shown/read to the child. Parents need to provide consent since assent is not sought from children under 5.
Ideally such material should be shorter than that designed for adults, whilst retaining all relevant information.
Informed consent forms
The consent form is to be designed so that the participant is consenting to everything described in the text of the information sheet. The purpose of the form is to record the participant’s decision to take part.
For some studies, specific text may be needed to cover important issues, especially if additional elements are optional for the participant. These may include:
- additional invasive tests or samples required for study purposes only (ie additional to normal care)
- consent to use of audio/video-taping, with possible use of verbatim quotation or use of photographs
- transfer of data/samples to countries with less data protection
- agreement to receive individual feedback from testing
- requirement to contact their GP
For University-sponsored studies where samples are collected, specific wording is required. The first statement is essential; others may be used (and adapted) where required for a particular study.
- I consider these samples a gift to the University of Oxford and I understand I will not gain any direct personal benefit from this.
- I understand that data obtained from my samples may be used for commercial purposes and that I will not gain any financial compensation should this occur.
- I give permission for genetic testing to be carried out on these samples.
You should consider whether leftover samples taken for research could be a valuable resource to other researchers in the future. If so, then retention should be covered in the protocol and information sheet, and the following statement included on the consent form:
- I give consent for samples to be retained and used in future research studies.
Depending on your research goal, you may need to consider a number of forms as follows:
- consent form for adults
- consent form for parents/guardians (if involving young people)
- assent form (for young people who are agreeing to take part)
- consultee declaration form (for adults lacking capacity to consent)
Related links
- Study preparation
- Research governance & classification
Information sheets should only contain relevant information (i.e. in order to decide whether or not to participate in a research project). It is recommended that, where appropriate, an information sheet contains information in the order specified under the headings given overleaf. The length and design of an information sheet should encourage a ...
your research and that participation is entirely voluntary. Example: We'd like to invite you to take part in our research study. Before you decide, it is important that you understand why the research is being done and what it would involve for you. Please take time to read this information, and discuss it with others if you wish.
Step 2: Download a Research Information Sheet Sample. Your experience in making the sheet will certainly be easy with a research information sheet example you can edit anytime. Blank printable samples await you, as seen on the 20+ research information sheet templates above this article.
The following real-life examples have been used in research involving children and young people: Example 1 - OXBAV less than 6; Example 2 - OXBAV 6-9; Example 3 - OXBAV 10-15 ... An example participant information sheet for use in pragmatic trials is provided below. It may be suitable to adapt for use in other trials.
FREE 10+ Research Information Sheet Templates in PDF | MS Word. Research information sheet is also known as participant information sheet.This sheet and consent forms are both important aspects of conducting a study and organizing it. The sheet provides prospective respondents with the required information for the study's purpose and methods and information sources to answer any further ...
Providing information about the research to participants, and gaining consent from participants before their involvement is a critical part of conducting ethical research. Participant information sheet. All participants need to be provided access to an information sheet, and to understand the full details of the research, and how they will be ...
(This template is for either clinical trials or clinical research) Notes to Researchers : 1. Please note that this is a template modified to assist the Principal Investigator in the design of their Information Sheet for Participants . It is important that Principal Investigators adapt their own
participant information sheets for research participants, using the templates available from the website and should be used by staff and students at the University of Surrey. P. P. ... Please note that the example 'Information Sheet Template' document, which accompanies this guidance, will need tailoring to meet your study requirements in a ...
information sheet for parents/guardians (if involving children/young people) information sheet(s) for children/young people; consultee information sheet (for consultees of adults lacking capacity to consent) Information sheets for minors. Where the Clinical Trial Regulations apply (ie for CTIMPs), a minor is defined as someone under the age of ...
GUIDANCE - Writing Participant Information Sheets and Consent Forms -V2 - January 2020 HEO 1 . Guidance on Writing Participant Information Sheets and Consent Forms. The form needs to be customised to align with the research aims and methodologies. 1. Create a separate Participant Information Sheet (PIS) and Consent Form for each participant ...