Historically Disadvantaged Business Assistance Program (HDBA)

The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania supports the creation, sustainability, and growth of small, historically disadvantaged businesses across the state. The Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic Development (DCED) will partner with nonprofit organizations, economic development organizations, and educational institutions to provide technical assistance and business support services designed to increase access to capital, promote economic empowerment, and increase the number of small and diverse businesses engaging in business with Pennsylvania and other government entities.

The Historically Disadvantaged Business Assistance Program (HDBA) includes two components:

  • Funding to create and support Business Assistance Service Centers
  • Funding to create microgrant programs


Eligible applicants must be located in Pennsylvania and have established experience and expertise in business and economic development, preferably with historically disadvantaged communities and will be a:

  • Community-based Nonprofit Organization with an established history of at least three years operating experience;
  • Educational Institution; or
  • Nonprofit Economic Development Organization with an established history of at least three years operating experience.

Full eligibility information is available in the program guidelines.

Program funding is available for two separate components:

  • Business Assistance Service Centers
  • Business Assistance Service Centers will provide small, historically disadvantaged businesses with technical assistance and business support services designed to increase access to capital and promote growth. All Business Assistance Service Centers will be required to provide a minimum of uniform services while having the flexibility to offer additional opportunities as may be needed in their local region.
  • Microgrant Program Support
  • Eligible applicants may seek funding to assist historically disadvantaged businesses with start up costs, expansion costs, and the elimination of low cost hurdles preventing the business from winning or growing existing procurement contracts with institutions of a public character, including institutions of higher education, health care, and government.

Full program details can be found in the program guidelines.

How to Apply

Please refer to program guidelines for funding application instructions. Applications and required supplemental items will be received using the DCED’s Electronic Single Application for Assistance .

Program Details

Program categories, funding types, more programs.

  • Historic Preservation Tax Credit (HPTC)
  • Building PA (BPA)
  • Qualified Manufacturing Innovation & Reinvestment Deduction
  • Airport Land Development Zones (ALDZ)



    department for communities business plan

  2. Community Center Business Plan

    department for communities business plan

  3. Safer Communities Business Plan

    department for communities business plan

  4. Community Center Business Plan Template (Download)

    department for communities business plan

  5. Business Planning

    department for communities business plan

  6. Integrated Business Plan 2014

    department for communities business plan