Water Resources Research Impact, Factor and Metrics, Impact Score, Ranking, h-index, SJR, Rating, Publisher, ISSN, and More
Impact score.
Note: The impact score or impact index shown here is equivalent to the average number of times documents published in a journal/conference in the past two years have been cited in the current year (i.e., Cites / Doc. (2 years)). It is based on Scopus data and can be a little higher or different compared to the impact factor (IF) produced by Journal Citation Report. Please refer to the Web of Science data source to check the exact journal impact factor ™ (Thomson Reuters) metric.
Important Metrics and Factor
About water resources research.
Water Resources Research is a journal covering the technologies/fields/categories related to Water Science and Technology (Q1) . It is published by Wiley-Blackwell . The overall rank of Water Resources Research is 2078 . According to SCImago Journal Rank (SJR) , this journal is ranked 1.574 . SCImago Journal Rank is an indicator, which measures the scientific influence of journals. It considers the number of citations received by a journal and the importance of the journals from where these citations come. SJR acts as an alternative to the Journal Impact Factor (or an average number of citations received in last 2 years). This journal has an h-index of 260 . The best quartile for this journal is Q1 .
The ISSN of Water Resources Research journal is 19447973, 00431397 . An International Standard Serial Number (ISSN) is a unique code of 8 digits. It is used for the recognition of journals, newspapers, periodicals, and magazines in all kind of forms, be it print-media or electronic. Water Resources Research is cited by a total of 10464 articles during the last 3 years (Preceding 2023).
Water Resources Research Impact IF 2023-2024
The Impact IF 2023 of Water Resources Research is 4.61 , which is computed in 2024 as per its definition. Water Resources Research IF is decreased by a factor of 0.55 and approximate percentage change is -10.66% when compared to preceding year 2022, which shows a falling trend. The impact IF , also denoted as Journal impact score (JIS), of an academic journal is a measure of the yearly average number of citations to recent articles published in that journal. It is based on Scopus data.
Water Resources Research Impact IF 2024 Prediction
Impact IF 2023 of Water Resources Research is 4.61 . If the same downward trend persists, Impact IF may fall in 2024 as well.
Impact IF Trend
Year wise impact if of water resources research. based on scopus data., water resources research h-index.
Water Resources Research has an h-index of 260 . It means 260 articles of this journal have more than 260 number of citations. The h-index is a way of measuring the productivity and citation impact of the publications. The h-index is defined as the maximum value of h such that the given journal/author has published h papers that have each been cited at least h number of times.
Water Resources Research ISSN
The ISSN of Water Resources Research is 19447973, 00431397 . ISSN stands for International Standard Serial Number.
An ISSN is a unique code of 8 digits. It is used for the recognition of journals, newspapers, periodicals, and magazines in all kind of forms, be it print-media or electronic.
Water Resources Research Rank and SCImago Journal Rank (SJR)
The overall rank of Water Resources Research is 2078 . According to SCImago Journal Rank (SJR), this journal is ranked 1.574 . SCImago Journal Rank is an indicator, which measures the scientific influence of journals. It considers the number of citations received by a journal and the importance of the journals from where these citations come.
SJR of Water Resources Research by Year
Ranking of water resources research by year, water resources research publisher.
Water Resources Research is published by Wiley-Blackwell . It's publishing house is located in United States . Coverage history of this journal is as following: 1965-2023 . The organization or individual who handles the printing and distribution of printed or digital publications is known as Publisher.
Call For Papers
Visit the official website of the journal/conference to check the further details about the call for papers.
The IS0 4 standard abbreviation of Water Resources Research is Water Resour. Res. . This abbreviation ('Water Resour. Res.') is well recommended and approved for the purpose of indexing, abstraction, referencing and citing goals. It meets all the essential criteria of ISO 4 standard.
ISO 4 (International Organization for Standardization 4) is an international standard that defines a uniform and consistent system for abbreviating serial publication titles and journals.
How to publish in Water Resources Research
If your research field is/are related to Water Science and Technology (Q1) , then please visit the official website of this journal .
Acceptance Rate
- The demand or interest of researchers/scientists in publishing in a specific Journal/Conference.
- Peer review complexity and timeline.
- The mix of unsolicited and invited submissions.
- The time it takes from manuscript submission to final publication.
- And Many More.
It is essential to understand that the acceptance rate/rejection rate of papers varies among journals. Some Journals considers all the manuscripts submissions as a basis of acceptance rate computation. On the other hand, few consider the only manuscripts sent for peer review or few even not bother about the accurate maintenance of total submissions. Hence, it can provide a rough estimation only.
The best way to find out the acceptance rate is to reach out to the associated editor or to check the official website of the Journal/Conference.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
What's the latest impact if of the water resources research.
Water Resources Research latest impact IF is 4.61 . It's evaluated in the year 2023. The highest and the lowest impact IF or impact score of this journal are 5.70 (2021) and 3.79 (2014) , respectively, in the last 10 years. Moreover, its average IS is 4.62 in the previous 10 years.
What's the SCImago Journal Rank (SJR) of the Water Resources Research?
The Water Resources Research has an SJR (SCImago Journal Rank) of 1.574 , according to the latest data. It is computed in the year 2024. In the past 10 years, this journal has recorded a range of SJR, with the highest being 2.615 in 2016 and the lowest being 1.574 in 2023. Furthermore, the average SJR of the Water Resources Research over the previous 10-year period stands at 4.62.
What's the latest h-index of the Water Resources Research?
The latest h-index of the Water Resources Research is 260 .
Who's the publisher of the Water Resources Research?
The Water Resources Research is published by the Wiley-Blackwell , with its country of publication being the United States.
What's the current ranking of the Water Resources Research?
The Water Resources Research is currently ranked 2078 out of 27955 Journals, Conferences, and Book Series in the latest ranking. Over the course of the last 10 years, this journal has experienced varying rankings, reaching its highest position of 841 in 2016 and its lowest position of 2078 in 2023.
What's the abbreviation or short name for the Water Resources Research?
The standard ISO4 abbreviation for the Water Resources Research is Water Resour. Res. .
Is the "Water Resources Research" classified as a Journal, Conference and Proceedings, Trade Journal or Book Series?
Water Resources Research is classified as a journal that the Wiley-Blackwell publishes.
What's the scope or major areas of the Water Resources Research?
- Water Science and Technology
For a more comprehensive understanding of its scope, check the official website of this journal.
What's the ISSN of the Water Resources Research?
The Water Resources Research is assigned the following International Standard Serial Numbers (ISSN): 19447973, 00431397 .
What's the best quartile of the Water Resources Research?
The best quartile for the Water Resources Research is Q1 (2023).
What's the coverage history of the Water Resources Research?
The Water Resources Research coverage history can be summarized as follows: 1965-2023 .
Credits and Sources
- Scimago Journal & Country Rank (SJR), https://www.scimagojr.com/
- Journal Impact Factor, https://clarivate.com/
Impact Score, h-Index, and Other Important Details of These Journals, Conferences, and Books
Check complete list
Year wise Impact Score (IS) of Water Resources Research
Top journals/conferences in water science and technology.
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IEEE Article Springer ACM Elsevier Wiley MITPress
Check out Quote of the Day
Water Resources Research
Subject Area and Category
- Water Science and Technology
Publication type
00431397, 19447973
How to publish in this journal
The set of journals have been ranked according to their SJR and divided into four equal groups, four quartiles. Q1 (green) comprises the quarter of the journals with the highest values, Q2 (yellow) the second highest values, Q3 (orange) the third highest values and Q4 (red) the lowest values.
The SJR is a size-independent prestige indicator that ranks journals by their 'average prestige per article'. It is based on the idea that 'all citations are not created equal'. SJR is a measure of scientific influence of journals that accounts for both the number of citations received by a journal and the importance or prestige of the journals where such citations come from It measures the scientific influence of the average article in a journal, it expresses how central to the global scientific discussion an average article of the journal is.
Evolution of the number of published documents. All types of documents are considered, including citable and non citable documents.
This indicator counts the number of citations received by documents from a journal and divides them by the total number of documents published in that journal. The chart shows the evolution of the average number of times documents published in a journal in the past two, three and four years have been cited in the current year. The two years line is equivalent to journal impact factor ™ (Thomson Reuters) metric.
Evolution of the total number of citations and journal's self-citations received by a journal's published documents during the three previous years. Journal Self-citation is defined as the number of citation from a journal citing article to articles published by the same journal.
Evolution of the number of total citation per document and external citation per document (i.e. journal self-citations removed) received by a journal's published documents during the three previous years. External citations are calculated by subtracting the number of self-citations from the total number of citations received by the journal’s documents.
International Collaboration accounts for the articles that have been produced by researchers from several countries. The chart shows the ratio of a journal's documents signed by researchers from more than one country; that is including more than one country address.
Not every article in a journal is considered primary research and therefore "citable", this chart shows the ratio of a journal's articles including substantial research (research articles, conference papers and reviews) in three year windows vs. those documents other than research articles, reviews and conference papers.
Ratio of a journal's items, grouped in three years windows, that have been cited at least once vs. those not cited during the following year.
Evolution of the percentage of female authors.
Evolution of the number of documents cited by public policy documents according to Overton database.
Evolution of the number of documents related to Sustainable Development Goals defined by United Nations. Available from 2018 onwards.
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Water Resources Research impact factor, indexing, ranking (2024)
Aim and Scope
The Water Resources Research is a research journal that publishes research related to Environmental Science . This journal is published by the Wiley-Blackwell. The ISSN of this journal is 19447973, 00431397 . Based on the Scopus data, the SCImago Journal Rank (SJR) of water resources research is 1.715 .
Water Resources Research Ranking
The latest Impact Factor list (JCR) is released in June 2024.
The Impact Factor of Water Resources Research is 4.6.
The impact factor (IF) is a measure of the frequency with which the average article in a journal has been cited in a particular year. It is used to measure the importance or rank of a journal by calculating the times its articles are cited.
The impact factor was devised by Eugene Garfield, the founder of the Institute for Scientific Information (ISI) in Philadelphia. Impact factors began to be calculated yearly starting from 1975 for journals listed in the Journal Citation Reports (JCR). ISI was acquired by Thomson Scientific & Healthcare in 1992, and became known as Thomson ISI. In 2018, Thomson-Reuters spun off and sold ISI to Onex Corporation and Baring Private Equity Asia. They founded a new corporation, Clarivate , which is now the publisher of the JCR.
Important Metrics
The water resources research is indexed in:
- Web of Science (SCIE)
An indexed journal means that the journal has gone through and passed a review process of certain requirements done by a journal indexer.
The Web of Science Core Collection includes the Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE), Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI), Arts & Humanities Citation Index (AHCI), and Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI).
Water Resources Research Impact Factor 2024
The latest impact factor of water resources research is 4.6 which is recently updated in June, 2024.
The impact factor (IF) is a measure of the frequency with which the average article in a journal has been cited in a particular year. It is used to measure the importance or rank of a journal by calculating the times it's articles are cited.
Note: Every year, The Clarivate releases the Journal Citation Report (JCR). The JCR provides information about academic journals including impact factor. The latest JCR was released in June, 2023. The JCR 2024 will be released in the June 2024.
The latest Quartile of water resources research is Q1 .
Each subject category of journals is divided into four quartiles: Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4. Q1 is occupied by the top 25% of journals in the list; Q2 is occupied by journals in the 25 to 50% group; Q3 is occupied by journals in the 50 to 75% group and Q4 is occupied by journals in the 75 to 100% group.
Journal Publication Time
The publication time may vary depending on factors such as the complexity of the research and the current workload of the editorial team. Journals typically request reviewers to submit their reviews within 3-4 weeks. However, some journals lack mechanisms to enforce this deadline, making it difficult to predict the duration of the peer review process.
The review time also depends upon the quality of the research paper.
Call for Papers
Visit to the official website of the journal/ conference to check the details about call for papers.
How to publish in Water Resources Research?
If your research is related to Environmental Science, then visit the official website of water resources research and send your manuscript.
Tips for publishing in Water Resources Research:
- Selection of research problem.
- Presenting a solution.
- Designing the paper.
- Make your manuscript publication worthy.
- Write an effective results section.
- Mind your references.
Acceptance Rate
Final summary.
- The impact factor of water resources research is 4.6.
- The water resources research is a reputed research journal.
- It is published by Wiley-Blackwell .
- The journal is indexed in UGC CARE, Scopus, SCIE .
- The (SJR) SCImago Journal Rank is 1.715 .
- Agricultural & Biological Sciences
- Arts & Humanities
- Business, Management and Accounting
- Computer Science
- Engineering
- Mathematics
- Social Sciences
- Acoustics and Ultrasonics (Q2)
- Advanced and Specialized Nursing (Q2)
- Aerospace Engineering (Q1)
- Aerospace Engineering (Q2); Control and Systems Engineering (Q2); Electrical and Electronic Engineering (Q2); Safety, Risk, Reliability and Quality (Q2)
- Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q1)
- Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q1); Agronomy and Crop Science (Q2); Aquatic Science (Q2); Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous) (Q2)
- Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q1); Biotechnology (Q1); Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous) (Q2); Cell Biology (Q3)
- Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q2)
- Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q2); Development (Q2); Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous) (Q2); Food Science (Q2); Economics and Econometrics (Q3)
- Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous); Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous); Environmental Science (miscellaneous); Global and Planetary Change; Pollution; Water Science and Technology
- Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous); Dentistry (miscellaneous); Environmental Science (miscellaneous); Health Professions (miscellaneous); Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics (miscellaneous)
- Agricultural and Biological Sciences; Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology
- Agricultural and Biological Sciences; Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology; Chemical Engineering; Immunology and Microbiology
- Agricultural and Biological Sciences; Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology; Environmental Science
- Agricultural and Biological Sciences; Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology; Environmental Science; Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics
- Agricultural and Biological Sciences; Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology; Immunology and Microbiology
- Agricultural and Biological Sciences; Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology; Medicine; Neuroscience
- Agricultural and Biological Sciences; Economics, Econometrics and Finance
- Agricultural and Biological Sciences; Economics, Econometrics and Finance; Social Sciences
- Agricultural and Biological Sciences; Environmental Science; Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics
- Agronomy and Crop Science (Q1)
- Algebra and Number Theory
- Algebra and Number Theory (Q3)
- Analysis (Q1)
- Analysis (Q3)
- Analytical Chemistry
- Analytical Chemistry (Q1)
- Analytical Chemistry (Q2)
- Analytical Chemistry (Q2); Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials (Q2); Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging (Q3); Spectroscopy (Q3)
- Analytical Chemistry (Q3)
- Anatomy (Q1)
- Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine (Q2)
- Animal Science and Zoology (Q1)
- Animal Science and Zoology (Q2)
- Animal Science and Zoology (Q2); Ecology (Q2); Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics (Q2); Plant Science (Q2); Molecular Biology (Q3)
- Animal Science and Zoology (Q2); Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics (Q2)
- Anthropology
- Anthropology (Q1)
- Anthropology (Q1); Geography, Planning and Development (Q2)
- Applied Mathematics (Q2)
- Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology (Q1); Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous) (Q1); Bioengineering (Q1); Microbiology (Q1)
- Applied Psychology (Q2)
- Aquatic Science (Q2)
- Archeology (Q1)
- Architecture
- Architecture (Q1); Building and Construction (Q1); Environmental Science (miscellaneous) (Q1); Geography, Planning and Development (Q1); Urban Studies (Q1); Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law (Q2)
- Artificial Intelligence
- Artificial Intelligence (Q1)
- Artificial Intelligence (Q1); Electrical and Electronic Engineering (Q1); Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials (Q1); Hardware and Architecture (Q1)
- Artificial Intelligence (Q2)
- Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous)
- Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous) (Q1)
- Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous) (Q2); Geography, Planning and Development (Q2); Social Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q2)
- Arts and Humanities; Business, Management and Accounting
- Arts and Humanities; Economics, Econometrics and Finance
- Arts and Humanities; Economics, Econometrics and Finance; Social Sciences
- Astronomy and Astrophysics (Q2)
- Atmospheric Science (Q3)
- Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics (Q1); Biophysics (Q1); Physical and Theoretical Chemistry (Q1); Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous) (Q1)
- Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics (Q1); Condensed Matter Physics (Q1); Nuclear and High Energy Physics (Q1); Statistical and Nonlinear Physics (Q1)
- Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics (Q1); Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials (Q1)
- Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics (Q2); Electrical and Electronic Engineering (Q2); Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials (Q2)
- Automotive Engineering (Q2)
- Automotive Engineering (Q2); Fuel Technology (Q3); Mechanical Engineering (Q3); Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment (Q3)
- Behavioral Neuroscience (Q1)
- Biochemistry (medical) (Q1)
- Biochemistry (medical) (Q2)
- Biochemistry (Q3); Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous) (Q3); Biomedical Engineering (Q3); Biophysics (Q3); Biotechnology (Q3)
- Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous) (Q1); Biomedical Engineering (Q1); Cancer Research (Q1); Genetics (Q1)
- Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous) (Q1); Cancer Research (Q1); Hematology (Q1); Oncology (Q1)
- Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous) (Q1); Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine (Q1); Cell Biology (Q1); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q1)
- Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous) (Q2)
- Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous) (Q2); Biochemistry (medical) (Q2); Cell Biology (Q3); Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism (Q3)
- Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology; Chemical Engineering; Computer Science; Engineering; Materials Science
- Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology; Chemical Engineering; Engineering
- Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology; Chemical Engineering; Immunology and Microbiology; Medicine
- Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology; Computer Science; Engineering
- Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology; Computer Science; Engineering; Immunology and Microbiology; Medicine
- Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology; Environmental Science; Immunology and Microbiology
- Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology; Environmental Science; Medicine; Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics
- Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology; Health Professions; Medicine; Nursing; Social Sciences
- Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology; Immunology and Microbiology; Medicine
- Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology; Medicine
- Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology; Medicine; Nursing
- Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology; Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics
- Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology; Social Sciences
- Biological Psychiatry
- Biomaterials
- Biomaterials (Q1)
- Biomedical Engineering (Q1)
- Biomedical Engineering (Q2)
- Biomedical Engineering (Q3)
- Biotechnology (Q1)
- Building and Construction
- Building and Construction (Q1)
- Business and International Management (Q1)
- Business and International Management (Q1); Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous) (Q1)
- Business and International Management (Q1); Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous) (Q1); Management Information Systems (Q1); Management of Technology and Innovation (Q2)
- Business and International Management (Q2)
- Business and International Management (Q2); Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous) (Q2); Education (Q2); Management of Technology and Innovation (Q2); Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management (Q2)
- Business and International Management (Q2); Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous) (Q2)
- Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous) (Q2); Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous) (Q2); Social Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q2)
- Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous) (Q2); Management Science and Operations Research (Q2); Strategy and Management (Q2)
- Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous); Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous); Finance; Strategy and Management
- Business, Management and Accounting; Computer Science
- Business, Management and Accounting; Computer Science; Engineering
- Business, Management and Accounting; Computer Science; Social Sciences
- Business, Management and Accounting; Decision Sciences
- Business, Management and Accounting; Decision Sciences; Engineering
- Business, Management and Accounting; Economics, Econometrics and Finance
- Business, Management and Accounting; Economics, Econometrics and Finance; Environmental Science
- Business, Management and Accounting; Economics, Econometrics and Finance; Psychology
- Business, Management and Accounting; Economics, Econometrics and Finance; Social Sciences
- Business, Management and Accounting; Engineering
- Business, Management and Accounting; Environmental Science; Social Sciences
- Business, Management and Accounting; Social Sciences
- Cancer Research (Q1)
- Cancer Research (Q2)
- Cancer Research (Q4)
- Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine (Q1)
- Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine (Q2)
- Catalysis (Q1)
- Catalysis (Q1); Ceramics and Composites (Q1); Energy (miscellaneous) (Q1); Materials Science (miscellaneous) (Q1); Metals and Alloys (Q1); Surfaces, Coatings and Films (Q1)
- Cell Biology (Q1)
- Cell Biology (Q3)
- Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous) (Q1)
- Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous) (Q2)
- Chemical Engineering; Engineering; Medicine; Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics
- Chemistry (miscellaneous)
- Chemistry (miscellaneous) (Q1)
- Chemistry (miscellaneous) (Q2)
- Chemistry (miscellaneous) (Q2); Materials Science (miscellaneous) (Q2); Surfaces and Interfaces (Q2); Surfaces, Coatings and Films (Q2)
- Chemistry; Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics
- Civil and Structural Engineering
- Civil and Structural Engineering (Q1)
- Civil and Structural Engineering (Q2)
- Clinical Biochemistry (Q3)
- Clinical Psychology (Q1)
- Clinical Psychology (Q1); Neurology (clinical) (Q1); Psychology (miscellaneous) (Q1); Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging (Q1); Artificial Intelligence (Q2); Neuroscience (miscellaneous) (Q2); Psychiatry and Mental Health (Q2)
- Communication (Q1)
- Communication (Q2)
- Complementary and Alternative Medicine (Q1)
- Complementary and Manual Therapy (Q1); Occupational Therapy (Q1); Optometry (Q2); Orthopedics and Sports Medicine (Q2); Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation (Q2); Podiatry (Q2)
- Computational Mathematics (Q2)
- Computational Mechanics (Q1)
- Computational Mechanics; Control and Systems Engineering; Mechanical Engineering; Safety, Risk, Reliability and Quality
- Computational Theory and Mathematics (Q1)
- Computer Graphics and Computer-Aided Design (Q2)
- Computer Networks and Communications
- Computer Networks and Communications (Q1)
- Computer Networks and Communications (Q2)
- Computer Science (miscellaneous)
- Computer Science (miscellaneous) (Q1)
- Computer Science (miscellaneous) (Q2)
- Computer Science (miscellaneous) (Q2); Engineering (miscellaneous) (Q2); Psychology (miscellaneous) (Q2); Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health (Q3); Statistics, Probability and Uncertainty (Q3)
- Computer Science (miscellaneous); Modeling and Simulation; Statistics and Probability; Statistics, Probability and Uncertainty
- Computer Science Applications (Q1)
- Computer Science Applications (Q1); Global and Planetary Change (Q1); Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering (Q1); Management Science and Operations Research (Q1); Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment (Q1)
- Computer Science Applications (Q2)
- Computers in Earth Sciences (Q1)
- Computers in Earth Sciences (Q2); Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q2); Geography, Planning and Development (Q2); Atmospheric Science (Q3); Oceanography (Q3); Space and Planetary Science (Q3)
- Condensed Matter Physics (Q1)
- Condensed Matter Physics (Q1); Electrical and Electronic Engineering (Q1); Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials (Q1); Energy Engineering and Power Technology (Q1)
- Condensed Matter Physics (Q2); Materials Chemistry (Q2); Surfaces and Interfaces (Q2); Surfaces, Coatings and Films (Q2)
- Control and Optimization (Q2)
- Control and Systems Engineering (Q1)
- Control and Systems Engineering (Q2)
- Critical Care and Intensive Care Medicine (Q2)
- Cultural Studies
- Cultural Studies (Q1)
- Decision Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q2)
- Decision Sciences; Economics, Econometrics and Finance; Mathematics
- Demography (Q1); Geography, Planning and Development (Q1)
- Dental Assisting (Q2)
- Dentistry (miscellaneous) (Q1)
- Dermatology (Q2)
- Development (Q2); Geography, Planning and Development (Q2); Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law (Q2); Urban Studies (Q2)
- Developmental Neuroscience (Q3)
- Discrete Mathematics and Combinatorics (Q1)
- Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous)
- Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q1)
- Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q2)
- Earth-Surface Processes (Q1)
- Earth-Surface Processes (Q2)
- Ecology (Q1); Environmental Science (miscellaneous) (Q1); Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis (Q1)
- Ecology (Q1); Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law (Q1); Nature and Landscape Conservation (Q1); Global and Planetary Change (Q2)
- Ecology (Q2)
- Ecology (Q2); Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous) (Q3); Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics (Q3)
- Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics (Q1); Social Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q1); Psychiatry and Mental Health (Q2); Psychology (miscellaneous) (Q2); Cognitive Neuroscience (Q3); Developmental Neuroscience (Q3)
- Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics (Q2); Environmental Science (miscellaneous) (Q2); Infectious Diseases (Q3); Microbiology (Q3)
- Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics (Q2); Plant Science (Q2)
- Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics (Q3)
- Economics and Econometrics (Q1); Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous) (Q1); Finance (Q1)
- Economics and Econometrics (Q2); Electrical and Electronic Engineering (Q2); Energy (miscellaneous) (Q2); Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment (Q3)
- Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous) (Q1); Computational Theory and Mathematics (Q2); Computer Science Applications (Q2); Decision Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q2)
- Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous) (Q1); Energy (miscellaneous) (Q1); Environmental Science (miscellaneous) (Q1)
- Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous) (Q1); Social Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q1); Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous) (Q2); Computer Science Applications (Q2); Education (Q2)
- Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous) (Q2); Industrial Relations (Q2); Public Administration (Q2); Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management (Q3)
- Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous) (Q2); Sociology and Political Science (Q2)
- Economics, Econometrics and Finance; Environmental Science; Social Sciences
- Economics, Econometrics and Finance; Mathematics; Social Sciences
- Economics, Econometrics and Finance; Psychology; Social Sciences
- Economics, Econometrics and Finance; Social Sciences
- Education (Q1)
- Education (Q1); Artificial Intelligence (Q2); Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous) (Q2); Computational Theory and Mathematics (Q2)
- Education (Q2)
- Education (Q3)
- Electrical and Electronic Engineering
- Electrical and Electronic Engineering (Q1)
- Electrical and Electronic Engineering (Q1); Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials (Q1)
- Electrical and Electronic Engineering (Q2)
- Electrical and Electronic Engineering (Q3)
- Electrical and Electronic Engineering (Q3); Energy Engineering and Power Technology (Q3); Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment (Q3)
- Electrical and Electronic Engineering; Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials
- Electrochemistry (Q1)
- Electrochemistry (Q1); Materials Chemistry (Q1); Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment (Q1)
- Electrochemistry (Q2); Energy Engineering and Power Technology (Q2); Fuel Technology (Q2); Surfaces, Coatings and Films (Q2)
- Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials (Q2); Materials Science (miscellaneous) (Q2); Polymers and Plastics (Q2); Biomaterials (Q3)
- Emergency Medical Services
- Emergency Medicine (Q1)
- Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism (Q2)
- Energy (miscellaneous) (Q1)
- Energy (miscellaneous) (Q1); Fuel Technology (Q1); Materials Science (miscellaneous) (Q1); Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment (Q1)
- Energy (miscellaneous) (Q2); Environmental Science (miscellaneous) (Q2); Geography, Planning and Development (Q2); Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment (Q3)
- Energy (miscellaneous) (Q3); Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment (Q3)
- Energy Engineering and Power Technology
- Energy Engineering and Power Technology (Q1)
- Energy Engineering and Power Technology (Q2); Energy (miscellaneous) (Q2); Fuel Technology (Q2); Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment (Q2)
- Engineering (miscellaneous) (Q1)
- Engineering (miscellaneous) (Q2)
- Environmental Chemistry (Q1); Environmental Engineering (Q1); Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis (Q1); Pollution (Q1); Waste Management and Disposal (Q1)
- Environmental Engineering (Q2)
- Environmental Science (miscellaneous) (Q1)
- Environmental Science (miscellaneous) (Q1); Energy Engineering and Power Technology (Q2); Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment (Q2)
- Environmental Science (miscellaneous) (Q1); Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment (Q1)
- Environmental Science (miscellaneous) (Q1); Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment (Q2)
- Environmental Science (miscellaneous) (Q2)
- Environmental Science (miscellaneous) (Q2); Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law (Q2); Nature and Landscape Conservation (Q2)
- Environmental Science; Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics
- Epidemiology (Q3)
- Experimental and Cognitive Psychology (Q2)
- Experimental and Cognitive Psychology (Q3)
- Family Practice (Q1)
- Food Science (Q1)
- Food Science (Q2)
- Forestry (Q1)
- Forestry (Q1); Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous) (Q2); Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics (Q2); Plant Science (Q2)
- Gastroenterology (Q3)
- Genetics (clinical); Obstetrics and Gynecology; Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health; Surgery
- Genetics (Q3)
- Geochemistry and Petrology (Q2)
- Geography, Planning and Development (Q1); Human Factors and Ergonomics (Q2); Psychology (miscellaneous) (Q2); Social Psychology (Q2)
- Geography, Planning and Development (Q1); Tourism, Leisure and Hospitality Management (Q2)
- Geography, Planning and Development (Q1); Transportation (Q1)
- Geography, Planning and Development (Q2)
- Geography, Planning and Development (Q2); Social Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q2); Psychology (miscellaneous) (Q3)
- Geography, Planning and Development (Q2); Urban Studies (Q2); Transportation (Q3)
- Health (social science) (Q1)
- Health (social science) (Q2)
- Health Informatics (Q1)
- Health Informatics (Q2)
- Health Informatics (Q2); Health Policy (Q2); Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health (Q2)
- Health Informatics (Q3); Health Policy (Q3); Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health (Q3)
- Health Policy (Q1)
- Health Policy (Q1); Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health (Q1)
- Health Policy; Health Professions (miscellaneous); Health (social science); Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health
- Health Professions (miscellaneous) (Q1)
- Health Professions (miscellaneous) (Q1); Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine (Q2); Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health (Q2); Neuroscience (miscellaneous) (Q3)
- Health Professions (miscellaneous) (Q2)
- Health Professions; Medicine; Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics
- History (Q1)
- Immunology (Q3)
- Immunology and Allergy (Q2)
- Immunology and Allergy (Q3)
- Immunology and Microbiology (miscellaneous)
- Immunology and Microbiology (miscellaneous) (Q1)
- Immunology and Microbiology (miscellaneous) (Q2)
- Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering (Q1)
- Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering (Q2)
- Infectious Diseases
- Infectious Diseases (Q1); Psychiatry and Mental Health (Q1); Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health (Q1)
- Infectious Diseases (Q3)
- Information Systems and Management (Q2)
- Inorganic Chemistry (Q1)
- Insect Science (Q2)
- Internal Medicine (Q2); Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism (Q3); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q3)
- Internal Medicine (Q3)
- Law (Q1); Health (social science) (Q2); Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health (Q2); Developmental and Educational Psychology (Q3)
- Leadership and Management (Q1)
- Linguistics and Language
- Linguistics and Language (Q1)
- Literature and Literary Theory
- Materials Science (miscellaneous) (Q2); Environmental Engineering (Q3); Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment (Q3)
- Mathematics (miscellaneous) (Q1)
- Mathematics (miscellaneous) (Q2)
- Mechanical Engineering
- Mechanical Engineering (Q1)
- Mechanical Engineering; Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment
- Medical Laboratory Technology (Q1)
- Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q1)
- Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q1); Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health (Q1); Epidemiology (Q2)
- Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q2)
- Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q3)
- Medicine; Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics
- Microbiology (Q2)
- Microbiology (Q3)
- Modeling and Simulation (Q1)
- Multidisciplinary (Q1)
- Multidisciplinary (Q2)
- Nature and Landscape Conservation (Q2)
- Nephrology (Q1)
- Neurology (clinical) (Q3)
- Neurology (Q1)
- Neurology (Q2)
- Neurology (Q3)
- Nuclear Energy and Engineering (Q2)
- Nursing (miscellaneous) (Q1)
- Nursing (miscellaneous) (Q2)
- Obstetrics and Gynecology (Q2)
- Ocean Engineering (Q1); Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law (Q2); Pollution (Q2); Safety, Risk, Reliability and Quality (Q2)
- Oncology (Q2)
- Ophthalmology (Q1)
- Organic Chemistry (Q1)
- Orthopedics and Sports Medicine (Q2)
- Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health (Q2)
- Pharmacology (medical) (Q1)
- Pharmacology (Q1)
- Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics (miscellaneous) (Q1); Toxicology (Q2)
- Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics (miscellaneous) (Q2); Drug Discovery (Q3); Oncology (Q3); Pharmacology (medical) (Q3); Cancer Research (Q4)
- Pharmacy (Q1); Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis (Q3); Pharmacology (medical) (Q3)
- Physical and Theoretical Chemistry (Q3)
- Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation (Q2); Orthopedics and Sports Medicine (Q3)
- Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous) (Q1)
- Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous) (Q2)
- Physiology (medical)
- Physiology (Q1)
- Plant Science (Q1)
- Plant Science (Q2)
- Political Science and International Relations (Q2)
- Psychiatry and Mental Health (Q1)
- Psychiatry and Mental Health (Q2)
- Psychiatry and Mental Health (Q2); Psychology (miscellaneous) (Q2); Biological Psychiatry (Q3); Endocrine and Autonomic Systems (Q3); Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism (Q3); Immunology (Q3); Neurology (clinical) (Q3)
- Psychology (miscellaneous) (Q1)
- Psychology (miscellaneous) (Q2)
- Public Administration
- Public Administration (Q3)
- Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health (Q1); Global and Planetary Change (Q2)
- Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health (Q2)
- Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health (Q2); Epidemiology (Q3); Infectious Diseases (Q3)
- Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment (Q1)
- Safety, Risk, Reliability and Quality (Q2); Civil and Structural Engineering (Q3)
- Social Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q1)
- Sociology and Political Science (Q1)
- Soil Science (Q2)
- Surgery (Q2); Internal Medicine (Q3); Oncology (Q3); Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging (Q3)
- Urban Studies (Q1)
- Urban Studies (Q1); Environmental Science (miscellaneous) (Q2); Geography, Planning and Development (Q2); Pollution (Q2); Waste Management and Disposal (Q2)
- Urology (Q3)
- Veterinary (miscellaneous) (Q1)
- Veterinary (miscellaneous) (Q2)
Water Resources Research Impact Factor & Key Scientometrics
Water resources research overview, impact factor.
I. Basic Journal Info
Journal ISSN: 00431397, 19447973
Publisher: wiley-blackwell, history: 1965-ongoing, journal hompage: link, how to get published:, research categories, scope/description:.
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II. Science Citation Report (SCR)
Water resources research scr impact factor, water resources research scr journal ranking, water resources research scimago sjr rank.
SCImago Journal Rank (SJR indicator) is a measure of scientific influence of scholarly journals that accounts for both the number of citations received by a journal and the importance or prestige of the journals where such citations come from.
Water Resources Research Scopus 2-Year Impact Factor Trend
Water resources research scopus 3-year impact factor trend, water resources research scopus 4-year impact factor trend, water resources research impact factor history.
- 2023 Impact Factor #N/A #N/A #N/A
- 2022 Impact Factor 5.157 5.795 5.984
- 2021 Impact Factor 5.711 5.977 6.119
- 2020 Impact Factor 5.196 5.479 5.493
- 2019 Impact Factor 4.617 4.616 5.11
- 2018 Impact Factor 4.284 4.765 4.948
- 2017 Impact Factor 4.477 4.564 4.625
- 2016 Impact Factor 4.602 4.683 4.923
- 2015 Impact Factor 4.177 4.487 4.715
- 2014 Impact Factor 3.93 NA NA
- 2013 Impact Factor 4.005 NA NA
- 2012 Impact Factor 3.481 NA NA
- 2011 Impact Factor 3.406 NA NA
- 2010 Impact Factor 3.054 NA NA
- 2009 Impact Factor 2.815 NA NA
- 2008 Impact Factor 2.587 NA NA
- 2007 Impact Factor 2.348 NA NA
- 2006 Impact Factor 2.284 NA NA
- 2005 Impact Factor 2.036 NA NA
- 2004 Impact Factor 1.835 NA NA
- 2003 Impact Factor 1.745 NA NA
- 2002 Impact Factor 2.113 NA NA
- 2001 Impact Factor 1.747 NA NA
- 2000 Impact Factor 1.919 NA NA
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Impact factor (IF) is a scientometric factor based on the yearly average number of citations on articles published by a particular journal in the last two years. A journal impact factor is frequently used as a proxy for the relative importance of a journal within its field. Find out more: What is a good impact factor?
III. Other Science Influence Indicators
Any impact factor or scientometric indicator alone will not give you the full picture of a science journal. There are also other factors such as H-Index, Self-Citation Ratio, SJR, SNIP, etc. Researchers may also consider the practical aspect of a journal such as publication fees, acceptance rate, review speed. ( Learn More )
Water Resources Research H-Index
The h-index is an author-level metric that attempts to measure both the productivity and citation impact of the publications of a scientist or scholar. The index is based on the set of the scientist's most cited papers and the number of citations that they have received in other publications
Water Resources Research H-Index History
scijournal.org is a platform dedicated to making the search and use of impact factors of science journals easier.
Water Resources Research - Impact Score, Ranking, SJR, h-index, Citescore, Rating, Publisher, ISSN, and Other Important Details
Published By: Wiley-Blackwell
Abbreviation: Water Resour. Res.
Impact Score The impact Score or journal impact score (JIS) is equivalent to Impact Factor. The impact factor (IF) or journal impact factor (JIF) of an academic journal is a scientometric index calculated by Clarivate that reflects the yearly mean number of citations of articles published in the last two years in a given journal, as indexed by Clarivate's Web of Science. On the other hand, Impact Score is based on Scopus data.
Important details, about water resources research.
Water Resources Research is a journal published by Wiley-Blackwell . This journal covers the area[s] related to Water Science and Technology, etc . The coverage history of this journal is as follows: 1965-2022. The rank of this journal is 1696 . This journal's impact score, h-index, and SJR are 5.16, 248, and 1.715, respectively. The ISSN of this journal is/are as follows: 19447973, 00431397 . The best quartile of Water Resources Research is Q1 . This journal has received a total of 11353 citations during the last three years (Preceding 2022).
Water Resources Research Impact Score 2022-2023
The impact score (IS), also denoted as the Journal impact score (JIS), of an academic journal is a measure of the yearly average number of citations to recent articles published in that journal. It is based on Scopus data.
Prediction of Water Resources Research Impact Score 2023
Impact Score 2022 of Water Resources Research is 5.16 . If a similar downward trend continues, IS may decrease in 2023 as well.
Impact Score Graph
Check below the impact score trends of water resources research. this is based on scopus data., water resources research h-index.
The h-index of Water Resources Research is 248 . By definition of the h-index, this journal has at least 248 published articles with more than 248 citations.
What is h-index?
The h-index (also known as the Hirsch index or Hirsh index) is a scientometric parameter used to evaluate the scientific impact of the publications and journals. It is defined as the maximum value of h such that the given Journal has published at least h papers and each has at least h citations.
Water Resources Research ISSN
The International Standard Serial Number (ISSN) of Water Resources Research is/are as follows: 19447973, 00431397 .
The ISSN is a unique 8-digit identifier for a specific publication like Magazine or Journal. The ISSN is used in the postal system and in the publishing world to identify the articles that are published in journals, magazines, newsletters, etc. This is the number assigned to your article by the publisher, and it is the one you will use to reference your article within the library catalogues.
ISSN code (also called as "ISSN structure" or "ISSN syntax") can be expressed as follows: NNNN-NNNC Here, N is in the set {0,1,2,3...,9}, a digit character, and C is in {0,1,2,3,...,9,X}
Water Resources Research Ranking and SCImago Journal Rank (SJR)
SCImago Journal Rank is an indicator, which measures the scientific influence of journals. It considers the number of citations received by a journal and the importance of the journals from where these citations come.
Water Resources Research Publisher
The publisher of Water Resources Research is Wiley-Blackwell . The publishing house of this journal is located in the United States . Its coverage history is as follows: 1965-2022 .
Call For Papers (CFPs)
Please check the official website of this journal to find out the complete details and Call For Papers (CFPs).
The International Organization for Standardization 4 (ISO 4) abbreviation of Water Resources Research is Water Resour. Res. . ISO 4 is an international standard which defines a uniform and consistent system for the abbreviation of serial publication titles, which are published regularly. The primary use of ISO 4 is to abbreviate or shorten the names of scientific journals using the technique of List of Title Word Abbreviations (LTWA).
As ISO 4 is an international standard, the abbreviation ('Water Resour. Res.') can be used for citing, indexing, abstraction, and referencing purposes.
How to publish in Water Resources Research
If your area of research or discipline is related to Water Science and Technology, etc. , please check the journal's official website to understand the complete publication process.
Acceptance Rate
- Interest/demand of researchers/scientists for publishing in a specific journal/conference.
- The complexity of the peer review process and timeline.
- Time taken from draft submission to final publication.
- Number of submissions received and acceptance slots
- And Many More.
The simplest way to find out the acceptance rate or rejection rate of a Journal/Conference is to check with the journal's/conference's editorial team through emails or through the official website.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What is the impact score of water resources research.
The latest impact score of Water Resources Research is 5.16. It is computed in the year 2023.
What is the h-index of Water Resources Research?
The latest h-index of Water Resources Research is 248. It is evaluated in the year 2023.
What is the SCImago Journal Rank (SJR) of Water Resources Research?
The latest SCImago Journal Rank (SJR) of Water Resources Research is 1.715. It is calculated in the year 2023.
What is the ranking of Water Resources Research?
The latest ranking of Water Resources Research is 1696. This ranking is among 27955 Journals, Conferences, and Book Series. It is computed in the year 2023.
Who is the publisher of Water Resources Research?
Water Resources Research is published by Wiley-Blackwell. The publication country of this journal is United States.
What is the abbreviation of Water Resources Research?
This standard abbreviation of Water Resources Research is Water Resour. Res..
Is "Water Resources Research" a Journal, Conference or Book Series?
Water Resources Research is a journal published by Wiley-Blackwell.
What is the scope of Water Resources Research?
- Water Science and Technology
For detailed scope of Water Resources Research, check the official website of this journal.
What is the ISSN of Water Resources Research?
The International Standard Serial Number (ISSN) of Water Resources Research is/are as follows: 19447973, 00431397.
What is the best quartile for Water Resources Research?
The best quartile for Water Resources Research is Q1.
What is the coverage history of Water Resources Research?
The coverage history of Water Resources Research is as follows 1965-2022.
Credits and Sources
- Scimago Journal & Country Rank (SJR), https://www.scimagojr.com/
- Journal Impact Factor, https://clarivate.com/
- Issn.org, https://www.issn.org/
- Scopus, https://www.scopus.com/
Note: The impact score shown here is equivalent to the average number of times documents published in a journal/conference in the past two years have been cited in the current year (i.e., Cites / Doc. (2 years)). It is based on Scopus data and can be a little higher or different compared to the impact factor (IF) produced by Journal Citation Report. Please refer to the Web of Science data source to check the exact journal impact factor ™ (Thomson Reuters) metric.
Impact Score, SJR, h-Index, and Other Important metrics of These Journals, Conferences, and Book Series
Check complete list
Water Resources Research Impact Score (IS) Trend
Top journals/conferences in water science and technology.
Water Resources Research
Journal Abbreviation: WATER RESOUR RES Journal ISSN: 0043-1397
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Journal Impact
The latest impact factor of WATER RESOURCES RESEARCH and all the other Web of Science journals is released on 20th June 2024 by Clarivate . Through this web page, researchers can check the impact factor, total citation, journal quartile, and journal aim & scope.
WATER RESOURCES RESEARCH is a Web of Science indexed journal tha publishes research in the area: WATER RESOURCES|Q1|18/127 . The P-ISSN of this journal is 0043-1397.
Impact factor from year 2018-2023.
The Journal Impact Factor is defined as citations to the journal in the JCR year to items published in the previous two years, divided by the total number of scholarly items, also known as citable items, (these comprise articles and reviews) published in the journal in the previous two years.
Impact factor data has a strong influence on the scientific community, affecting decisions on where to publish, whom to promote or hire, the success of grant applications, and even salary bonuses.
Only journals listed in the Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE) and Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI) receive an Impact Factor.
SCI is a multidisciplinary citation index. Science Citation Index covers 9,000+ journals across 177 scientific disciplines. SCI was established in 1900 to the current. SCI-indexed journals are indexed by SCI and SSCI. SCI is described as the world's leading journal.
All journals covered in this database are reviewed for sufficiently high quality each year.
How to publish in SCI journals?
- Identify an SCI indexed Journal.
- Compose Your Research Paper As Per The Guidelines Of The Journal.
- Visit the journal's website to submit your research paper.
- Notification Of Acceptance From The Publisher.
- Confirmation Of Your Paper Being Published
- Agricultural and Biological Sciences
- Arts and Humanities
- Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology
- Business, Management and Accounting
- Chemical Engineering
- Computer Science
- Decision Sciences
- Earth and Planetary Sciences
- Economics, Econometrics and Finance
- Engineering
- Environmental Science
- Health Professions
- Immunology and Microbiology
- Materials Science
- Mathematics
- Multidisciplinary
- Neuroscience
- Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics
- Physics and Astronomy
- Social Sciences
Dec 12, 2014 · Water Resources Research is an open access journal that publishes original research articles and commentaries on hydrology, water resources, and the social sciences of water that provide a broad understanding of the role of water in Earth’s system.
Sep 3, 2024 · Resurchify provides information on the impact factor, ranking, h-index, SJR, and other metrics of Water Resources Research, a journal covering water science and technology. See the trends, predictions, and comparisons of this journal with other publications in the same field.
Water Resources Research is a monthly journal of hydrology and water resources, published by the American Geophysical Union. It has a 2020 impact factor of 5.240, according to the Journal Citation Reports.
Water Resources Research (WRR) is an interdisciplinary journal that focuses on hydrology and water resources. It publishes original research in the natural and social sciences of water. It emphasizes the role of water in the Earth system, including physical, chemical, biological, and ecological processes in water resources research and ...
Find out the impact factor, quartile, ranking, and other metrics of WATER RESOURCES RESEARCH, a journal of environmental sciences and limnology. Learn about the journal's open access support, publisher, and guidelines for authors.
Learn about the latest impact factor, indexing, ranking, and other details of Water Resources Research, a journal of environmental science. The journal has an impact factor of 6.159, a SJR of 1.715, and is published by Wiley-Blackwell.
Water Resources Research (WRR) is an interdisciplinary journal that focuses on hydrology and water resources. It publishes original research in the natural and social sciences of water. It emphasizes the role of water in the Earth system, including physical, chemical, biological, and ecological processes in water resources research and ...
Jun 22, 2023 · The latest impact score (IS) of the Water Resources Research is 5.16.It is computed in the year 2023 as per its definition and based on Scopus data. 5.16 It is decreased by a factor of around 0.54, and the percentage change is -9.47% compared to the preceding year 2021, indicating a falling trend.
Find the latest impact factor of Water Resources Research journal, a peer-reviewed publication in the field of hydrology. See the trend of IF over the years and the number of articles and citations.
The latest impact factor of WATER RESOURCES RESEARCH and all the other Web of Science journals is released on 20th June 2024 by Clarivate. Through this web page, researchers can check the impact factor, total citation, journal quartile, and journal aim & scope.