1. Reported Speech (statements, orders and questions)

    reported speech questions and orders exercises

  2. reported speech exercises (with key/editable)

    reported speech questions and orders exercises

  3. Reported Speech worksheet

    reported speech questions and orders exercises

  4. Reported Speech (questions, orders, requests & suggestions)

    reported speech questions and orders exercises

  5. Reported Speech (Statements

    reported speech questions and orders exercises

  6. Reported Speech Exercises 1 613325

    reported speech questions and orders exercises


  1. English Lesson: Reported Speech (Questions/Advice/Orders/Requests) درس انجليزية

  2. Reported Speech Notes and practice questions.@EnglishAsaLifeskill

  3. reported speech questions

  4. Reported Speech

  5. Practice Dialogue about Reported Speech (Questions) / Nisa and Najwa

  6. EN.06 Reported Speech (Questions)