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Health Promotion Reflective Essay Sample
Health Promotion Reflection and Rationale for the creation of a Poster
According to the World Health Organisation (WHO) definition of health refers to not only the absence of disease but complete social, mental, and physical well-being (WHO, 2021). "Health is created and lived by people within the settings of their everyday life; where they learn, work, play and love" (WHO, 1986, pp.3). From a medical perspective, illness refers to the feeling of and health which is personal and innate to the individual. It is often associated with the disease, but the disease may not be declared, such as cancer in its early stages (Boyd, 2000). Health promotion is a means of empowering and enabling a particular target group to use the available resources to promote action-oriented and competent-based health that is sustainable to reduced inequalities (Grabowski et al., 2017). Several tools and instruments are used to relay health promotion messages, such as the use of media, leaflets, one-on-one discussions, and focus groups; nonetheless, the current essay pays particular attention to using the poster as a health promotional tool. The following essay will provide a brief discussion on the process used to develop a health promotion poster (See Appendix 1) and later discuss the application of health promotion strategies for preventing illness and making every contact count across the lifespan.
However, the conceptualization of health by WHO described above has been criticised due to its unrealistic nature, inability to promote health, and lack of distinct parameters to measure it. Hence, Hubers et al. (2011) concept of health and well-being is favoured, which refers to the capacity to adapt and self-manage; this conceptualisation empowers individuals to be a salient force in determining their health. It also means that health is different from one person to the next depending on their situation in need (hence it considers the wider determinants of health). The principles of health promotion include: conceptualising health broadly and positively, involvement in addition to participation, a perspective on the individual setting, health equity, and development of action and its competence (Gregg and O'Hara, 2007). Health promotion strategies should be based on a life-course approach, which involves health promotion and health education measures, which are then supported by protective and preventive measures, with curative approaches being the last line of defence to quality of life and well-being (Eriksson and Lindström, 2008).
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According to an integrated review by Kemppainen et al. (2013), nurses have three roles in health promotion. One is the traditional general role of disease prevention in encouraging healthy behaviour. The second role involves patient-focused health promotion. The nurse identifies health promotion needs in different groups and gives specific advice based on their broad knowledge of various diseases and symptoms. Three, the nurses are seen as managers of health promotion projects through implementing health promotion plans, coordinating educational plans within the health facility and in the community, and being involved in health promotion activities for the person, their family, and even the community.
The poster being applied as a medium for communication transmits the message through graphical synthesis that combines images and text to draw the attention of the intended audience (Akister et al., 2000). The posters are considered a hybrid of paper and speech. This is because they offer more detail than speech but less detailed than paper and allows for more interactivity than both (Boggu and Singh, 2015). A poster should be visually appealing and have slogans and images that pull the audience's attention. A poster has a positive appeal, making it readily transcends public acceptance on an emotional, social, intellectual, sensorial, and economic level (Akister et al., 2000).
Before developing a health promotion strategy, one requires to perform a needs assessment. Information required is with regards to the size and nature of the population, identification of areas of unmet needs as well as those that are already met, the prevalence of the disease or condition one is interested in, the efficacy of available interventions, the available services in addition to their capacity, quality and effectiveness (Lawrence, 2020). The group notably used national statistics to define the UK population's problem, whereby 62% of the population is overweight while over 25% of adults are classified as obese (Public Health England [PHE], 2020). Obesity has been linked to metabolic syndrome, which triggers most chronic conditions such as diabetes heart disease and contributes to the National Health Service's significant disease burden. Complications of being overweight are estimated to cost the NHS 6.1 billion GBP every year (Scarborough et al., 2011).
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Additionally, the group drew information from the current political climate of the COVID-19 pandemic. The COVID-19 pandemic posed two obvious challenges; people were less likely to exercise because of the lockdown, which encouraged weight gain and being obese and overweight increases one's susceptibility to the Coronavirus through a decreased immune response and significantly higher inflammation levels (PHE, 2020). Nurses must recognise themselves as health promotion agents by making every contact count (MECC), which is a role that has been amplified by the Coronavirus, which minimizes community interventions due to the lockdown. Working with patients at the individual level denotes the nurse can tailor the interventions to every contact, consistent with the principles of person-centred care (NICE, 2019). Additionally, the MECC approach is a requirement of all nursing practitioners within the NHS. The team also ensured that the poster was brief per the national institute for healthcare excellence guidelines, which states that the interventions should be between 30 seconds to a couple of minutes for easy delivery during routine appointments where the nurse can take advantage of the contact to foster and promote health through behavioural change interventions. The nurse can use the poster to support the brief advice discussion, and patients can have a reference tool for audio-visual learning (NICE, 2019).
The team also considered the life-course approach in promoting health and well-being. Even though the intervention focused on adults, it recognises the intergenerational approach to health improvement (PHE, 2019). It is important to note that when adults change their diet, it creates a healthy environment for the dependents and children, who will also be exposed to healthier food choices (Caswell et al., 2013). Hence, reducing the likelihood of also developing obesity later in life. Also, the adults being more active will create a mental schema that will encourage them to be more active through the enculturation process (Caswell et al., 2013). Research by Fuemmeler et al. (2013) obesity in parents increases the likelihood of children becoming obese. When parents are obese, the children have a 10 to 12 fold chance of becoming obese.
One of the most salient stakeholders relied upon when making the health promotion poster is the government's department of health and social care (DHSC) new obesity strategy dubbed " Tackling obesity: empowering adults and children to live healthier lives" developed in 2020 which aims at getting people fit and healthy to protect themselves against covid-19. The UK government recognises obesity as a ticking time bomb due to the risk of severe illness and death from COVID-19. The NHS services will encourage health practitioners to become coaches of a healthy weight through training delivered by Public Health England. Excess weight is considered by the DHSC (2020) as one of the few factors that can be modified to reduce the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Concerning health, a strategy chosen, the Ottawa charter developed by WHO suggests three dimensions to health promotion that mediate, enable, and advocate (Saan and Wise, 2011; WHO, 2009). The mediation dimension requires coordination of all concerned stakeholders such as government sectors, voluntary organisations, local authorities, the industries, and the media to mediate the different interests in society to achieve better health outcomes (Saan and Wise, 2011; WHO, 2009). The enable dimension focuses on ensuring health equity is attained by reducing current health status differences and ensuring equal access to health resources, ensuring that one has the best health outcomes regardless of one demographic profile. The advocacy dimension aims at improving the conditions of an individual's political, economic, social, cultural, environmental, behavioural, and biological factors to ensure an improved quality of life (Saan and Wise, 2011; WHO, 2009).
The health promotion poster developed focused on their advocacy domain and specifically changed the behavioural factors to improve the individuals' quality of life by reducing their susceptibility to the Coronavirus (WHO, 2009). Health promotion aims to bolster one's personal and social skills development by providing the audience information about health and enhancing their life skills and how to ensure their choices promote their well-being (WHO, 2009).
The potential strategy that will be applied to convey the health promotion poster's information is a caring conversation developed by Dewar, which involves delivering compassionate care to human relationships (Dewar and MacBride, 2017). The 'caring conversations' aim at conversing with the patient at a deeper level and knowing who they are, what is important to them, and the experiences they have had, and their feelings towards them. In having a caring conversation, the nurse ought to have seven key attributes: courage, emotional connection, consideration of other perspectives, curiosity, collaboration, celebration, and compromise (Bullington et al., 2019). It is critical to be open to the patient's experience and point of view for them to field part of the intervention as opposed to being one-sided and providing a prescriptive approach rather than involving them and collaborating with them in developing the intervention, which is consistent with person-centred care (Dewar and MacBride, 2017). The person-centred approach allows for tailoring the nursing communication to consider the patient's disabilities to ensure that they understand the message relayed (Bullington et al., 2019). The caring conversation approach is consistent with the NMC (2018) code, which advocates that communication should be adapted and tailored to meet a person's needs.
Regarding health literacy, the poster used words that were easy to understand (Osborne, 2012). The words aimed to push the audience into understanding that obesity was a modifiable factor in helping them become more resilient to the COVID-19 pandemic. Additionally, the poster used numerous images and applied words sparingly to relay people's message to understand the language regardless of their ethnicities readily. The use of pictures is a universal language that creates visual appeal, and the fact that it transcends language barriers common in London due to the high percentage of black and ethnic minorities (BME) communities (Sany et al., 2020).
In conclusion, using the poster as a health promotional tool was effective, especially if the nurse combined it with less jargon and a caring conversation approach. The caring approach ensures avoidance of a one-size-fits-all approach to the conversational delivery but being considerate of the towards understanding them personally and adopting the approach of delivery to fit their context. It is also critical to underline the fact that the essay adopted Hubers et al. concept of health and well-being as a capacity to adapt and self-manage, which relegates the domain of health as being something that can be modified through behavioural change. The nurse focused on the advocacy role and specifically behavioural modification following the Ottawa charter's health promotion model. Evidence shows that the nurse has a role in health promotion, primarily through making every contact count. This role has been amplified by reducing communal avenues due to the lockdown brought on by the Coronavirus pandemic. Additionally, the poster applied a life-course approach by ensuring that adults in the family understood the role of behavioural change in weight and the benefits gained, extending to their children.
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103 Health Promotion Essay Topic Ideas & Examples
Inside This Article
Health promotion is a crucial aspect of public health that aims to improve the overall well-being and health of individuals and communities. This can be achieved through various strategies, such as education, advocacy, and policy changes. If you are tasked with writing an essay on health promotion, you may be looking for some inspiration on potential topics. To help you get started, here are 103 health promotion essay topic ideas and examples:
- The impact of social determinants of health on health promotion efforts
- Strategies for promoting physical activity in children
- The role of the healthcare system in health promotion
- The effectiveness of workplace wellness programs
- Promoting healthy eating habits in schools
- Addressing mental health stigma through education and advocacy
- The importance of community partnerships in health promotion
- Promoting smoking cessation programs in underserved communities
- The impact of social media on health promotion campaigns
- Promoting sexual health education in schools
- Strategies for addressing obesity in children and adolescents
- Promoting healthy aging through exercise and nutrition programs
- The role of technology in health promotion efforts
- Promoting vaccination campaigns to prevent infectious diseases
- Addressing substance abuse through education and prevention programs
- The impact of environmental factors on health promotion
- Promoting healthy sleep habits in adolescents
- Strategies for promoting mental health and well-being in the workplace
- The role of policy changes in promoting public health
- Promoting access to healthcare services for underserved populations
- Addressing disparities in healthcare access through health promotion efforts
- Promoting healthy lifestyle choices in college students
- The impact of stress on health and strategies for stress management
- Promoting mindfulness and meditation as tools for improving mental health
- Strategies for promoting physical activity in older adults
- Addressing food insecurity through community-based interventions
- Promoting reproductive health education in schools
- The impact of cultural beliefs on health promotion efforts
- Promoting health literacy in vulnerable populations
- Addressing the opioid epidemic through education and prevention programs
- Promoting access to mental health services in rural communities
- Strategies for promoting healthy relationships and preventing domestic violence
- The impact of social isolation on health and well-being
- Promoting nutrition education in low-income communities
- Addressing the impact of climate change on public health through health promotion efforts
- Promoting smoking cessation programs in pregnant women
- Strategies for promoting physical activity in individuals with disabilities
- The role of peer support in promoting mental health and well-being
- Promoting access to reproductive health services for LGBTQ+ individuals
- Addressing the impact of trauma on health through trauma-informed care
- Promoting access to mental health services for veterans
- Strategies for promoting healthy eating habits in low-income communities
- The impact of social media influencers on health promotion campaigns
- Promoting access to healthcare for homeless populations
- Addressing the impact of food deserts on nutrition and health
- Promoting access to mental health services for immigrant populations
- Strategies for promoting physical activity in individuals with chronic illnesses
- The impact of peer pressure on health behaviors and strategies for resistance
- Promoting access to reproductive health services for incarcerated individuals
- Addressing the impact of social isolation on older adults through community programs
- Promoting healthy aging through social engagement and support networks
- Strategies for promoting mental health and well-being in the LGBTQ+ community
- The impact of trauma on health outcomes and strategies for healing
- Promoting access to mental health services for individuals with substance use disorders
- Addressing the impact of poverty on health through social determinants
- Promoting healthy eating habits in refugee communities
- Strategies for promoting physical activity in children with autism
- The impact of social support on health and well-being
- Promoting access to healthcare for individuals experiencing homelessness
- Addressing the impact of racism on health outcomes through anti-racism efforts
- Promoting mental health awareness and reducing stigma in communities of color
- Strategies for promoting physical activity in individuals with intellectual disabilities
- The impact of trauma on mental health and strategies for healing and recovery
- Promoting access to mental health services for survivors of domestic violence
- Addressing the impact of childhood adversity on health through trauma-informed care
- Promoting reproductive health education in communities with high rates of teen pregnancy
- Strategies for promoting physical activity in individuals with chronic pain
- The impact of social support on mental health outcomes
- Promoting access to mental health services for individuals with eating disorders
- Addressing the impact of discrimination on health through anti-discrimination efforts
- Promoting healthy eating habits in communities with limited access
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159 Health Promotion Research Topics & Paper Samples
This compilation of health promotion research topics explores the multifaceted world of health and well-being. Health promotion encompasses strategies, interventions, and policies that empower individuals to make positive lifestyle choices. Study the innovative health promotion approaches in nursing and discover the global health challenges!
🔝 Top 10 Health Promotion Topics for Essay
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- Analysis of Health Promotion Theories
- Nola Pender’s Health Promotion Model
- The Purpose of Health Promotion
- Importance of Theory in Health Promotion
- Motivational Axiom, Health Behavior and Promotion
- Nurse’s Role in Health Promotion
- Health and Health Promotion
- Smoking and Health Promotion in the UK
- Health Promotion for Obesity in Adults
- Health Promotion Concepts and Factors
- Health Promotion Among Hispanic-Latino Population This paper aims to review the health status of the Hispanic/Latino population and discuss the best health promotion methods for this segment.
- A Personal Health Promotion Plan As part of personal health promotional plan, the author aims to devote a minimum of 210 minutes to physical activities per week.
- Aesthetic Approach to Health Promotion Intervention This paper aims to discuss the impact of cancer on psychology, identify the primary stressors of the condition, and propose an aesthetic intervention framework.
- Health Promotion in the Preschoolers The study targets, eating and activity habits that are linked to inappropriate weight gain, formed in early childhood.
- Health Promotion Model: The Lifestyle Change Project This paper will present the assessment of one family (a 44-year-old male, divorced but living with his six-year-old son) relative to the Health Promotion Model.
- Health Promotion in School Health Center The purpose of education activities is to inform the audience about healthy lifestyles and address the social issues affecting their well-being and health.
- Pender’s Health Promotion Model and Parse’s Theory The purpose of this paper is to investigate Nola J. Pender’s Health Promotion Model and Rosemarie Rizzo Parse’s Human Becoming Theory.
- Health Promotion Proposal Obesity Prevention The purpose of this proposal is to inform and educate parents, children and adolescents of the importance of having a well balance diet and exercise in their daily lives to avoid obesity.
- Health Education and Health Promotion Health education and promotion are highly crucial. They can connect the audience and sustain the link between professionals and the public.
- Nursing Guides Theories: Nola J. Pender’s Health Promotion Model and Parse’s Theoretical Perspective The development of Rosemarie Rizzo Parse’s theoretical perspective has helped to frame nursing knowledge. Nursing is human art and science that uses evidence-based knowledge.
- Public Health Promotion in Everyday Life One of the most common examples of public health promotion in daily life is the use of various types of educational signage, such as posters and labels.
- Nola J. Pender’s Health Promotion Model in Nursing To understand how the Health Promotion Model has influenced the practice of the advanced practice nurse, firstly, it is important to describe the essence of this model.
- Sudden Infant Death Syndrome: Health Promotion Plan This paper aims at developing a health promotion plan that investigates SIDS and related best health improvement practices.
- Overview of Health Promotion This paper describes different types of models that represent health issues and its distribution and contains evaluation of health promotion.
- Technology Creates Health Promotion Opportunities The major purpose of this brief is to inform my colleagues about the potential of technology to create health promotion opportunities.
- Community Health Promotion as a Nurse’s Role It is necessary to protect the safety of populations within communities through disease protection and health interventions.
- Health Promotion: Ms. Sally’s Case It will be better for Ms. Sally’s life satisfaction if she succeeds in maintaining her health and well-being and understands her problems and the value of caring for herself.
- Public Health Promotion: World Health Organization The paper discusses the role of the World Health Organization’s mission and vision in promoting health, and factors that assist and hinder the organization’s progress.
- The Health Promotion Model by Nola Pender This essay examines the health promotion model by Nola Pender with a view of providing the guiding propositions and their application in modern care institutions.
- Health Promotion Theory for Chronic Kidney Disease Effective prevention of chronic kidney disease (CKD), clearly, requires different approaches to lessen the number of deaths in the world.
- Application of Pender’s Health Promotion Model Pender’s model can influence the physiological condition of the aging population due to the implementation of new behavioral patterns.
- Self-Care Health Promotion Plan Health promotion is one of the key elements of nursing care that necessitates the identification of illness prevention opportunities during the course of care provision.
- Environmental Health Promotion in Nursing In the 21st century, the issues of environmental health and the health effects of environmental climate change became a pressing matter for the international health community.
- Miami-Dade Health Promotion Plan: Tackling Obesity and Nutrition Issues This health promotion plan addresses the issue of nutrition and weight status and increases the public understanding of the problem and possible consequences for the life.
- Health Promotion and Disease Prevention The research of the work is focused on finding the roots of the development of common adult diseases and addressing these roots at the early stages.
- Health Promotion Strategies for Obesity The paper outlines and critically analyses the population based strategy as a method of managing and preventing obesity used in United Kingdom.
- Health Education and Health Promotion Revisited McCauley’s nursing tradition has been referred to as Careful Nursing, a method created in Ireland in the early 19th century and adopted by Irish nurses in the Crimean War.
- The Pender Health Promotion Model for Behavioral Change The central feature of this prevention model is that it emphasizes the proactive interventions people should adopt to avoid illness in general.
- Personal Health Promotion Plan: Better Eating Habits While there are various options for health promotion, the author has set himself a goal to improve nutrition and develop better eating habits.
- Statistic for Public Health Promotion Interventions Statistics are relevant to the planning of health promotion interventions because they are paramount for identifying the groups that need such interventions in the first place.
Technological Advancements in Nursing and Its Future
New technological developments have advanced and continue to advance the field of nursing. One of these inventions were the electronic health records, which helped organize patient files. The future of nursing seems to be in artificial intelligence, robotics, as well as automation and VR simulation.
Stress Management Strategies for Nurses
The field of nursing has many emotional and physical challenges that can easily lead to stressful situations. CDC provides several strategies to deal with this. Nurses might also want to look into mental health resources and behavioral treatment. Practicing meditation and yoga could additionally aid in reducing stress.
Transcultural Concepts and Cultural Barriers in Nursing Care
Transcultural care makes it possible for individuals of all backgrounds to feel comfortable in medical settings and environments. Regardless of their personal belief systems, nurses should be able to provide the best possible healthcare to all. Cultural education is needed to lift the barriers preventing people from receiving this care.
Collaboration and Leadership Reflection in Nursing
When it comes to nursing, interprofessional collaboration is quintessential to providing top-quality patient care. Division of labor and strong leadership skills typically improve patient outcomes. On the other hand, weak teamwork and a lack of trust between professionals can be outright dangerous for patients.
The Advantages of Nursing Homes
Nursing homes provide plenty of benefits for their elderly residents. These places prioritize their health, safety, well-being, and security. Additionally, they offer 24/7 support from qualified professionals, such as nurses. Nursing homes typically provide individualized care for all of their residents.
- The Role of Nurses in Health Promotion and Disease Prevention.
- Promoting Healthy Lifestyles: Strategies for Encouraging Physical Activity.
- Nutrition Education for Patients: Improving Dietary Choices.
- Smoking Cessation Programs: Supporting Patients to Quit Smoking.
- Mental Health Promotion in Primary Care Settings.
- Implementing Immunization Campaigns for Disease Prevention.
- Promoting Sexual Health: Education and Safe Practices.
- Managing Chronic Conditions: Empowering Patients for Self-Care.
- Health Literacy: Enhancing Understanding for Better Health Outcomes.
- The Importance of Sleep in Health Promotion.
- Promoting Hand Hygiene to Reduce Infections in Healthcare Settings.
- Empowering Patients with Chronic Pain: Non-Pharmacological Approaches.
- Preventing Falls in the Elderly: Assessment and Interventions.
- Creating Healthy Work Environments for Nurses and Healthcare Professionals.
- Health Promotion for Pregnant Women: Prenatal Care and Education.
- Addressing Substance Abuse and Addiction: Support and Treatment.
- Promoting Cardiovascular Health: Managing Hypertension and Cholesterol.
- The Role of Nurses in Promoting Vaccination Awareness.
- Stress Management Techniques for Patients and Healthcare Workers.
- Health Promotion in Schools: Addressing Childhood Obesity.
- Promoting Infection Control Practices in Community Settings.
- Supporting Breastfeeding: Education and Encouragement.
- Integrating Mental Health Services in Primary Care for Better Access.
- Preventive Screenings and Early Detection: Empowering Patients to Act.
- Health Promotion for Aging Populations: Enhancing Quality of Life.
- Promoting Awareness of Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs).
- Promoting Cultural Competence in Healthcare: Addressing Diverse Needs.
- Using Technology for Patient Engagement in Health Promotion.
- Promoting Safety in Home Care Settings: Fall Prevention and Home Assessments.
- Community Health Promotion: Collaborating with Local Organizations.
Is Doing Sports Always Healthy?
While staying active is an important part of keeping healthy, sportsmanship is not for everyone. In fact, it can be quite dangerous for some people, as injuries are common. These can occur because people either push themselves too hard or get hurt by other players.
What Is the Impact of Technologies on Healthcare?
Technology has managed to significantly progress the field of medicine. Data’s availability and improvements in communication systems have contributed to the accessibility of healthcare. Tech has also promoted efficiency in hospitals and better monitoring of patient outcomes. Additionally, more and more healthcare information is now available online.
How Can Mental Health Education Help in Schools?
Being well-versed in mental health can aid students in recognizing their own symptoms, which will allow them to reach out for help. Schools can promote awareness of issues such as depression and anxiety, their symptoms, and where to go for support. Additionally, mental health education can develop empathy among children and teenagers.
Is Alternative Medicine Dangerous?
By nature, alternative medicine has both drawbacks and benefits. It has a holistic approach where it tries to determine the root cause of the problem rather than just treat the symptoms. However, alternative medicine is unregulated and lacks empirical evidence to support it. Therefore, it can be dangerous to rely on exclusively.
What Are the Health Consequences of Caffeine?
Caffeine has plenty of beneficial properties when consumed in moderation. It can help depression, reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, lower the chance to develop diabetes, and improve longevity. However, it can also stimulate anxiety and insomnia, give people headaches, and cause addiction, which then leads to withdrawal.
- Design and Health Promotion Program for Someone to Quit Smoking The paper will present a smoking intervention program that combines medical and psychological solutions that address all the aspects of smoking addiction.
- Health Promotion Project for Chronic Diabetic Kidney Disease The health promotion model designed and proposed by Nola Pender is one of the most effective nursing approaches in promoting health among communities.
- Nutrition Education and Public Health Promotion To improve people’s health, governments may embark on a powerful leadership position aimed at developing literacy promotion strategies and ensuring sustained financing.
- The Importance of Value-Based Care in Health Promotion The foundational principle of the value-based care approach is the focus on the quality of medical care provided in healthcare organizations rather than its volume.
- Health Promotion Among African Americans The present paper offers the analysis of health problems faced by African Americans and suggests health promotion approaches to reduce the risks.
- Health Status and Promotion Among African Americans This paper not only looks into the current health status of African Americans, but also assesses issues of health promotion and health disparities as they relate to this group.
- Diabetes Type 2 Treatment and Health Promotion The purpose of this paper is to develop evidence-based management and a plan for a patient with diabetes type 2 and describe health promotion and possible follow-up.
- Effective Health Promotion Plan Importance Medical professionals should use their competencies to empower people to control health outcomes. They can achieve the objective by implementing powerful environmental, health.
- Self-Care Health Promotion This paper will discuss the importance of self-care within the medical profession as well as introduces a personal health plan on the basis of behavior and habit assessment.
- Quality Promotion in Healthcare Facilities: A Case Study of Medrad’s Strategies As the case study set in the MEDRAD healthcare facility shows, there is a significant gap between different quality provision tools.
- Health Promotion and Patient Empowerment Health promotion and patient empowerment are essential concepts for nursing practice. They contribute to improved health outcomes.
- Health Promotion Plan: HIV & AIDS Trends and U.S. Statistics Overview One of the most concerning healthcare problems in the US and the world is the spread of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).
- Health Promotion Plan: Environmental Research and Public Health Maria’s characteristics are relevant to the targeted population because she represents the challenges many adolescent females face.
- Health Promotion: A Patient Case The purpose of the assignment is to examine a patient case of a middle-aged man with multiple health issues due to poor lifestyle choices in relation to Evidence-Based Practice model.
- The Thames Life Organization’s Health Promotion Practices The paper presents an overview of Thames Life, the organization serving the residents of the Thames View, Barking Riverside, and Scrattons Farm communities.
- The Family Health Promotion Program’s Objectives The workshops offered by the health promotion program teach how to lead a healthy lifestyle while dealing with conditions such as diabetes, heart disease, lung disease, and cancer.
- Health Promotion Strategies for Elderly People In the following assignment, articles on telemedicine, board games, mobile applications, and social media as health promotion strategies will be discussed.
- Health Promotion Plan: How to Protect Babies? Sudden Infant Death Syndrome is a dangerous and undiagnosed phenomenon characterized by sudden death from respiratory arrest at less than one year of age.
- Health Education and Promotion Implementing efforts to make healthier lifestyle choices can help populations significantly reduce the risks of poor health.
- Good Health and Well-Being Promotion Initiatives The author is studying good health and well-being promotion initiatives because he wants to understand the scope of existing health issues and the existence of potential solutions.
- Healthcare Promotion and Ethical Considerations This paper will discuss some of the ways in which healthcare professionals are able to address the problems introduced by the popularization of healthy living in society.
- Nurses’ Role in Health Promotion: Systematic Review The role of nurses in health promotion has been increasing over the years, and some of the interventions are viewed as incredibly efficient.
- Health Promotion Among Australian Aborigines with Respiratory Diseases The high prevalence rate of respiratory diseases among the Aborigines in Australia has prompted an urgency to carry out a need analysis for its causal factors.
- Health Promotion Program Based on the Healthy People 2020 Target Objectives The vision of the Healthy People 2020 program is to develop “societies whereby all people live long, healthy lives”.
- Health Disparities and Health Promotion in Vulnerable Populations Health disparities among the different populations pose great threat to the progress of all countries in spite of their constant effort to minimize them.
- Health Promotion and Students’ Well-Being Critique Soler-Masó et al.’s article “Health promotion and students’ well-being in secondary schools in Catalonia” centers on the mental health of adolescents in schools.
- Health Promotion: Reducing Tobacco Use by Adults The purpose of the project is to discuss various strategies for implementing health promotion programs such as the ‘You Can Quit Tobacco Use Program’.
- Cardiovascular Health Promotion in the United States Statistics show that the awareness of central causes of CV problems remains low, and broad populations, especially aged people, possess a poor understanding of the disease.
- Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Strategies for Access to Care A strategy to increase access to health care is to create more free community centers with programs focused on education and healthy lifestyles.
- Promotion of Public Health: Improvement Strategies In health promotion, it is necessary to be able to amalgamate education both on health maintenance and preventative techniques.
Health promotion allows people to be better educated on their well-being. It empowers people, promoting equity and better understanding. There are many ideas that you can explore when writing about this subject matter. You can consider:
- Definitions and importance – why is health promotion a significant subject?
- Theories and models – what model examples can be used in health promotion?
- Ideas and strategies – which education methods can be effective in health promotion?
- Communcation and target demographics – how can we communicate with the target populations for health promotion?
- Empirical evidence – what are some of the methods to evaluate how effective health promotion is?
- Global health – what are the challenges and opportunities for global health promotion?
- Urban-Rural Differences in Medicare Health Promotion The purpose of the study was to assess the impact of a multi-component health promotion and disease self-management intervention on physical function, etc.
- Health Promotion to Reduce Lung Cancer: Grant Proposal Template The project aims to reduce the rate of lung cancer infection and deaths among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in South Australia.
- The Project of Health Promotion Health Promotion Game aims to increase the awareness of adolescents and young adults on depression as a mental illness and encourage early diagnosis.
- Parish Nursing: Health Promotion Parish nursing in faith-based communities is a relatively new practice that has gained popularity rapidly. It is a powerful tool with the purpose of health promotion.
- Community-Based Health Promotion: Anytown Community There is the paramount need to promote healthy eating habits and physical activity among residents of the Anytown community as described in the preceding discussions.
- Adult Nursing Theories, Practice and Health Promotion This paper describes some of the tools that promote good healthcare in the UK: fitness, healthy eating, lifestyle checks, and sexual health tools among others.
- Evaluating the Importance of Community-Based Participatory Research in Health Promotion Processes The promotion of a healthy community is an ongoing concern that has assumed an international imperative for governments, policymakers, and practitioners.
- Health Promotion Among HIV, AIDS Patients The paper Healthy People 2020 points out the intervention measures against HIV/AIDS among young people in the United States.
- HIV in Adolescent Population: Healthy Promotion Intervention Plan The intervention program is about the distribution of leaflets for adolescents with HIV as well as other representatives of society.
- Typhoid Fever: Health Promotion Pamphlet Parents /guardian should pay close attention on their children especially in monitoring the kind of food and water that they take.
- Analysis of Current MRSA Health Promotion Pamphlet Methicilin Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) is a bacterial strain that is resistant to beta-lactam antibiotic penicillin.
- Fall Prevention and Health Promotion Plan This paper discusses fall prevention and practices for health improvement and individuals/groups that might benefit from the education session.
- Chronic Disease: Occupational Health Promotion Interventions for Individuals at Risk Coal mining workers are exposed to numerous health threats due to their exposure to adverse substances at work and the lifestyle they lead associated with their occupation.
- Health Promotion Plan: Infant and Older Adults The health of the patients is of first and foremost importance to any health promotion campaign, and the campaigners do not forget that for a single moment.
- Health Promotion: Disease Control and Prevention Much attention from healthcare providers and healthcare agencies is dedicated to the problems of obesity. Still, not many professionals discuss the risk of being overweight.
- Health Promotion in American Indians and Alaska Natives Minority This paper will study a minority of Native Americans and Alaska Natives to identify major health problems and barriers and find ways of health prevention.
- A Preliminary Randomized Controlled Evaluation of a Universal Healthy Relationships Promotion Program for Youth This essay will discuss and analyze a research article describing a small group program focused on preventing bullying and decreasing substance abuse among adolescents.
- Health Promotion: Coronary Heart Disease Prevention Assessment of the clinical history of the patient shows that the patient had demonstrated an elevated blood pressure level five years back, which is under control with medication.
- Interprofessional Health Promotion Resources: Substance Abuse in Adults Available interventions, risks, and factors contributing to substance abuse in adults will be discussed in the present paper.
- Intervention and Health Promotion Plan for Hispanic and Latino Community Such primary health problems of young Hispanics as STDs, HIV, heart diseases, and cancer are imposed by excessive alcohol consumption as a moderator of acculturative stress.
- Older Adult Population: Community Health Promotion The paper analyzes the older adult population, their main demographic characteristics, mortality and morbidity risk factors, and effective plans for promoting health.
- Health Promotion in Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders The health status of Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders may be closer to the nation’s average than that of some other minority groups.
- Ethnic Minorities’ Health Disparities and Promotion Ethnicity is a complex and sensitive subject that requires greater attention in the sphere of healthcare when trying to achieve health equality for the entire population.
- Secondhand Smoking: Environmental Health Promotion Smoking remains a significant environmental problem that affects many people. Secondhand smoking can also be a dangerous issue because of the pernicious impact of tobacco.
- Family-Centered Health Assessment and Promotion Family-centered care is a medical practice aimed at helping all the members of the same family, which is often the case when several problems manifest themselves.
- Health Promotion in Minority Populations The paper discusses the major health concerns African Americans face and the most appropriate care plan that can address their needs.
- Health Promotion in Latin American Immigrants To help Latin American immigrants improve their health situation, it is essential to select an intervention plan for a reduction in the number of strokes and other issues.
- Health Promotion in Native Hawaiian Population Health promotion is an approach that aims to enable people to control their health and its social determinants.
- Pender’s Health Promotion Models This essay will compare Pender’s health promotion model and the transtheoretical approach, then use the former in a theoretical scenario.
- Health Promotion Among Diverse Populations: Downtown Miami Downtown Miami is positioned around the Central Business District (CBD) of Miami. The history of Downtown Miami is not very long, but it is rather interesting.
Alternative medicine is a greatly debated topic both in and outside of professional medical fields. If you have decided to craft an essay on this subject matter, we have several ideas that you can borrow.
- Start your paper by talking about the definition of alternative medicine and what falls under that category. You can mention acupuncture, herbal medicine, homeopathy, chiropractic care, etc.
- Then, talk about traditional medical practices from different parts of the world, such as China or India.
- Your body paragraphs can talk about the efficacy and safety concerns regarding alternative medicine.
- Finish by mentioning possible future developments in alternative medicine.
- Health Promotion Among Latino Population in the US The health status of different population groups largely depends on their cultural and socio-economic factors, including values, beliefs, and attitudes to health care practices.
- Pender’s Health Promotion Model and Social Behavior The paper reviews “The effect of a multi-strategy program on developing social behaviors based on Pender’s health promotion model to prevent loneliness.”
- Health Disparity and Promotion in Afro-Americans The purpose of this paper is to identify the current health status of African-Americans as a minority group, identify factors that improve or mitigate the promotion of healthcare.
- Health Promotion by Nursing Professionals Health promotion has been a major priority for healthcare providers for several decades, but many nursing professionals still fail to understand their role in this process.
- Social Media Categories for Public Health Promotion This paper discusses social media categories, singles out popular and cutting-edge tools, and outlines how these tools might be used for the issue of community health.
- Asthma Patients’ Health Education and Promotion The purpose of this paper is to discuss the health education, health promotion information, and strategies that should be used when working with asthma patients.
- Health Services Access and Health Promotion The nature of the health promotion problem revolves around the inability of many citizens in the United States to receive quality medical care.
- Health Promotion and Three Levels of Prevention Health promotion is a basic refrain for nursing practice. It has been a major focus in the nursing practice in the recent decades due to its contribution to the nursing philosophy.
- Popular Health Concerns, Awareness, and Promotion Nurses can engage in health promotion practices, giving and organizing free lectures for the target audiences, creating brochures with beneficial notes, and so on.
- Health Promotion and Diverse Populations Health status of the population belongs to the number of the most important factors defining the quality of life of the humanity.
- Strategies for Promoting Health and Wellness in an Aging Population Biological theories explain aging either by a programmed switching of different phases in the development of the body or by the damage inflicted by the environments.
- Health Promotion Among Diverse Populations Statistical data on the health level of different social and ethical groups shows certain harmful tendencies and inequality.
- Health Promotion Strategies for Benign Prostate Hypertrophy Benign Prostate Hypertrophy (BPH), a condition that causes the prostate gland to enlarge inducing urethral obstruction, urinary flow restrictions, and urinary retention.
- Health Promotion Among Hispanic Population Hispanic Americans are still an underprivileged group that has limited access to healthcare services. The major health issues are related to healthy lifestyle.
- Health Promotion and Ethical Considerations Sometimes a nurse might wish to manipulate a patient’s fears to achieve the goal. However, it is not appropriate to use manipulation, even for the benefit of a patient.
- “Let’s Move” Program for Healthy Lifestyle Promotion The introduction of a nationally coordinated program “Let’s Move” was a significant step forward in the government’s attempts to fight obesity and cardiovascular problems.
- Nursing Theory’s Role in Health Promotion A nursing theory acquires the top priority as one of the ways to improve the comprehension of current processes in the healthcare sphere
- African American Health: Current Status & Promotion Strategies The health of minority groups often requires additional attention due to a variety of socio-political, cultural and socioeconomic factors.
- Health Promotion Model and Human Becoming Theory The health promotion model (HPM) developed by Pender in 1990. The theory of human becoming was developed by Parse in 1981.
- Health Promotion and Autonomy: Ethical Concerns in Public Health Strategies Health promotion initiatives are associated with ethical concerns that affect their implementation and effectiveness.
- Evaluating Exercise Education for Ages 18-25 The main purpose of this project is to assess the importance of the promotion of healthy lifestyles by nursing professionals via educational programs for patients.
- Childhood Obesity and Health Promotion Today, childhood obesity is one of the critical health concerns. Being an important factor impacting the future of the nation, children`s health should be cultivated.
- Nursing Health Promotion and Its Importance Health promotion is one of the concepts that must be more explicitly defined for nursing due to its frequent use and the development of different health care trends.
- Health Disparities in Hispanic Minorities: A Public Health Crisis The following paper addresses the issue of health disparities of the Hispanic minority group through health promotion.
- Family-Centered vs. Family-Oriented Nursing Care The modern approach to the delivery of nursing care is focused on the significant improvement of people`s quality of life and the environment in which they live
- Health Promotion Strategies: Reducing Healthcare Insurance Costs Effectively Health promotion is targeted towards increasing the control over the health of the target audiences as well as the improvement of their health.
- Health Promotion in Healthcare: Levels, Practices, and Benefits Health promotion is able to enhance the health status of the nation, improve the quality of life and reduce the costs needed for medical treatment.
- Health Promotion Role in Public Health The three levels of health promotion are sufficient in curbing and treating such severe conditions as, for instance, diabetes mellitus due to their preventive nature.
- Health Promotion: Enhancing Control Over Health Determinants Health Promotion is crucial for increasing the overall health levels of the population, and for helping to improve patient outcomes and decrease health insurance costs.
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Health Promotion Essay Examples
Type of paper: Essay
Topic: Health , Education , Medicine , Marketing , Promotion , Smoking , Behavior , Students
Words: 3000
Published: 02/28/2020
According to the World Health Organization, Health Promotion entails and includes the process through which people are enabled to have more control over their health and the determinants to their health. Essentially, through the health promotion, individuals get the capacity to improve their health. Primarily, health promotion is achieved through the process of creating a public policy, addressing the requirements of health. Such prerequisites may include food security, housing, income among many more other factors that determine the quality of life an individual may live. In the recent past, several attempts have been initiated with the aim of incorporating health promotions in health policies. Behavioral change is considered by many to be the best health promotion strategy (Bader et al. 2007). Most governments have considered introducing health promotion into education in order to reach as many people as possible. Health promotion takes into account the environmental and social factors which have an effect on health. In order to have a better outcome, therefore; it is better to take into consideration interventions that focus on any factor that affects the health of human beings. There are several reasons that make health promotion an important tool improving the health of individuals. Essentially, health has been termed as being among the key pillars to the society’s development. As such, several attempts are being put in place in order to ensure that human health is kept at the maximum. In improving the day to day well being of human beings, together with promoting preventive approaches to health, health promotion plays a crucial role. One of the direct benefits of the health promotions is that it reduces the burdens that are brought about by injuries and other chronic diseases (Curry et al. 2007). Through initiatives such as these, resources will be put in a better way, spurring economic productivity. Health promotions ensure that such injuries and chronic diseases are prevented. Through this prevention and avoiding using the resources in health issues, other sectors of the economy will directly and indirectly benefit. Health promotions play a crucial role in ensuring that human beings live freely, without fear of the chronic diseases and other healthy issues. If the governments can strike a good balance between investments and the approaches that promote health, then there are high chances that health reforms will not be needed. Improving the healthcare of people through the prevention of the diseases plays a crucial role in the health sector. One key role that health promotion performs is acting as a focal point and a directive in constructing approaches that tackle the major challenges in the healthcare industry, which are in most cases related to diseases. Important to note is the fact that health promotion is mainly inculcated in the client’s practices. As such, health promotions play a crucial role in giving the clients an opportunity to determine future health (Hale, 2000).
Intervention planning and models
Essentially, interventions are good in health promotion. The health promotion interventions have the ability to change the manner that the individuals behave. Major institutions and organizations are also able to live according to the preventive mechanisms put in place. The manner that individuals and communities behave determines the lives of individuals in the society. By promoting general behaviors that have a direct impact on the health of individuals; it becomes possible to promote health. Essentially, the interventions in most cases tend to discourage or reframe negative behavior that could lead to a decrease in the health standards. Health promotions work in a number of ways. Importantly, they are geared to ensuring that there is behavioral change in practices that are harmful to the health of individuals. The government stands a chance to reduce the health risks through empowering individuals to have control of their own health. Health promotion is based on the concept that human individuals should be empowered to promote their own health. The health promotion interventions achieve success through empowering the individuals. As such, the health promotion interventions were crucial in promoting individual health in the society (Department of Health. (2004b)). In general terms, white papers refer to an authoritative report which helps the readers to synthesize and understand an issue. The papers also guide them to making proper decision on a certain issue. Essentially, the white papers are used in two different spheres; the business-to-business marketing and the government. Essentially, the government’s public health white paper ‘choosing health-making healthier choices was a report that responded to the Wanless report on how to secure good health for the entire population. This government’s white paper had as its main aim the desire to reduce healthcare cost and reduce the burdens brought by the chronic diseases. The paper had the aim of instilling a practical approach in reducing the number of health problems through behavior change. Essentially, the white paper set out a number of priorities which were all geared towards changing the lifestyle of people at all levels, both national and local with theoretical knowledge. Some of the priorities of the white paper included: tackling health inequalities, tackling obesity, improving mental health and well being, reducing the number of people who smoke, improving sexual health and finally, reducing consumption of alcohol and encouraging sensible drinking. This assignment mainly deals with one of the above priorities; reducing the number of people who smoke. Through the paper, the necessary health promotions and the health interventions will be analyzed and be proposed for the better results to reduce smoking in and around the school. This assignment is about designing the necessary health promotion and health intervention in order to reduce the number of students that smoke in St Mary’s University. Smoking is very rampant both in the school compound and outside schools, making it a risky place. Through this practice, even non-smokers are easily convinced by their friends to try smoking. Through such practices, the health of individuals is put in risk as chronic diseases such as cancer end up posing a major challenge to the survival of the students. As such, this assignment will seek to design the relevant and easily use-able approach to reducing this smoking behavior, both in and around the school compound. St Mary’s University is well known, both academically and in sports. The university has a rich culture of producing students who are fully baked to the job market, making it the envy of the other universities. In sports, the school has a good reputation, particularly in rugby. The tendency of the university to participate fully in several sports makes it well known university. However, all this good reputation is somehow threatened by the negative image created by the students’ smoking habits. As such, it is important and crucial to provide the necessary health promotion to reduce the number of smokers in the institutions. Essential to note also is the fact that the school does not have any formal policy that is formulated to protect the members of the public from the harmful effects of smoking. Research tends to show that most people tend to engage in alcoholism and drug abuse during the sporting activities where smoking is taken as a hobby. This habit is very dangerous since it leads to addiction and, the smokers expose themselves to risky diseases and conditions such as cancer. The school has not put in place any promotion or mechanism to try and educate the smokers on the negative effects of smoking. As such, it becomes important to give the necessary promotion intervention in order to ensure some lives are saved through making them aware of the risks that are brought by smoking.
As already argued, St Mary’s college university is notorious for smoking and drug abuse. A walk around the university reveals the many smoking areas that the smokers spend their time. Some of the smoking areas are placed in strategic positions that can easily entice non-smokers to try smoking. For instance, there are smoking zones just outside the campus halls and the library. Despite there being smoking zones, students are allowed to walk freely and smoke in and around the university. In essence, this should not be happening. Smoking ought to be done in the smoking zones. The positioning of the smoking zones also needs to be strategic in order to avoid contaminating the clean air that non-smokers consume. In essence, there should be a school policy discouraging smoking in public places. Such a policy will play a crucial role in reducing the number of smokers and as a result, the health of the individuals will be significantly boosted. Most institutions have warning signs about the effects of cigarettes and drug abuse. However, such are absent in St Mary’s college University. The scenario shows the level of laxity that the school’s administration has in place in order to discourage this destructive behavior. The recent past has seen a number of concerns on the health of the students and the prevalent nature of problematic and excessive smoking practices. The smoking habits, in most cases, put the university minorities such as Christians and athletes in a risky position because of the temptations they are subjected to and the impure environment where they live. Necessary promotion interventions ought to be put in place in order to ensure that this habit is significantly reduced in order to ensure the health of the students is on a safe mode (Ewles, 2003).
Framework of the health gain cycle the intervention will
The relevant promotion interventions, in most cases, depend on the health behaviors and the environment in which they occur. By models, therefore, it is possible to design and evaluate interventions. The behaviors of the community’s residents ought to be fully explored through the various models that may include the physical and social environments.
Measuring the health needs of populations; methods and evaluation policies, programmes, strategies and research
The health promotion has five approaches. These approaches are educational, medical, behavior change, social change, and empowerment. These approaches can be used to create the promotion interventions that are required in St Mary’s College University, In essence; all the above approaches can be employed to form interventions that can reduce the ill-health of the victims. However, some of the approaches have their weaknesses too. The medical approach, for instance, requires compliance and in most cases, ignores the social and environmental factors. As such, it does not focus on positive health. On the other hand, the educational approach educates the individuals and gives them the voluntary option to choose. Education is achieved through several mechanisms that may include group discussions and mass media. One weakness associated with this approach is that it fails to recognize how the voluntary choice is affected by the external factors (McIntyre, 2007). The approach of behavior change represents the best option when dealing with smoking in the university. Essentially, behavior change recognizes the fact that behavior is multi-factorial. The essence of this approach is to make the victim feel ashamed of their dangerous behaviors and habits that may put the lives of people in danger. Important to note is the fact that this approach requires the victims to internalize the reasons why they ought to stop smoking in order to promote the health levels in the school. Despite the fact that this approach yields changes after a long time, its effects are more permanent when compared to the other approaches that have been discussed. This best promotion intervention should be employed to ensure that the students in Saint Mary’s desist from the smoking behaviors in order to achieve god health.
Smoking and its dangers
Smoking is very unhealthy since it causes many health risks to the smokers. In essence, smoking leads to illnesses and consequently, death. As such, it is essential that people avoid smoking since it has no positive impact to the smokers. Smoking has many dangers. For instance, excessive smoking increases the risk to having cancer (Northrup, 1957). Lung cancer, lip cancer, mouth cancer and throat cancer are some of the types of cancer that can be brought by smoking. Second, smoking may lead to diseases of the heart and the blood vessels. Cigarettes are full of nicotine, which increases the rate of heart beats and blood pressure. Lung smoking can also cause diseases. Smoking contributes the long-term coughing in chronic smokers, which is unhealthy for individuals. Other risks brought about by smoking may include gastrointestinal diseases, which, if not treated early, may lead to death (Fisher et al. 1917). Smoking is not hereditary. The biggest reason people smoke is because of the peer pressure they are subjected to in most cases. As such, everybody is a potential candidate to smoke. However, before one starts smoking, it is important for them to know the health risks they will be exposing their bodies to (Wekesser, 1977).
Tobacco packaging warning messages
In common practice, the tobacco packaging warning messages refer to the information about the health effects of products such as cigarettes and other tobacco products. The essence of the information is to make users of the products aware of the negative effects that can be caused by excessive consumption of such products. To a large extent, such information is geared towards increasing the awareness of the public of the negative effects that are associated with smoking. Different countries employ different warnings to emphasize the message. The warning messages are used both when packaging and advertising the products. The general perception is that such warnings have produced a positive response in preventing people from over consuming the products which could affect their health negatively.
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Personal Health Promotion Plan Essay
Diet and lifestyle, reference list.
It is important for people to embrace good eating habits and exercise to reduce the chances of developing chronic health complications. Therefore, the aims and objectives are as follows:
- Devise a personal health promotion program which can empower people to choose an effective and fitness behavior.
- Reduce the risks of people developing chronic diseases and other-related morbidities.
- Enable people to increase control over their wellbeing by embracing different eating and exercise formulas.
Factors Influencing Good Health in the Individual
Education is the first factor that influences the good health of a person. According to Murimi et al. (2017, p. 143), through excellent education levels, individuals become aware of the diverse approaches and styles that they can embrace to increase their fitness levels. For instance, through education, one comprehends the different foods to ensure body wellbeing. In other words, education imparts the necessary skills which a person can adapt to enhance their health.
Housing is the second factor that dictates the health of an individual. Understandably, the fitness a person can embrace is conditioned by a place where they live (Familydoctor.org., 2020, p. 1). Individuals who reside in densely populated areas have high chances of developing diseases such as obesity because they have less room for exercise and poor ventilation. Therefore, it is worth noting that the housing system determines the healthy lifestyle of a person.
Income is the third factor which influences good health in the individual. Arguably, the amount of money a person makes has a critical effect on people (Familydoctor.org., 2020, p. 1). People with high income and economic stability tend to be healthier. For instance, good financial status allows a person to buy a gym system which assures them of having good health. People who have less income tend to consider one variety of cheap foods, leading to malnutrition due to one nourishment component being high in the body. Thus, a person’s income highly determines their nutritional status and lifestyle, which they can embrace.
How Health can be Improved
Health among individuals can be improved when one decides to quit eating and drinking sugary foods and considering eateries which sell nutritive foods. Individuals should abstain from eating chuck foods and drinking soda, fruit juices, granola, chocolate milk, and yogurt (Simkin et al., 2016, p. 81). As a result, a person will lead a healthy lifestyle, which has zero chances of developing other chronic conditions, including obesity and arthritis.
Another way that people’s health can be improved is by treating themselves with new and smaller dishes. Individuals should try to eat fresh foods, ceasing from taking the same nutrients throughout the period (Jarvis, 2018, p. 20). People should discover new foods as a way of balancing their diet and nutrients intake. The body stores fats in different foods, putting individuals at risk of developing diseases like obesity.
People can embrace the other approach of ensuring that their health is improved by rethinking their house cleaning routines, including bedding and the surrounding environment. Despite mopping being a cleanliness procedure, it equally acts as a form of exercise, hence keeping individuals fit (Jarvis, 2018, p. 22). Moreover, cleanliness ensures that one reduces germs in the house by upholding this daily routine. For instance, the flu virus is known to live on hard surfaces for up to forty-eight hours (Wong and Lee, 2019, p. 1). Thus, wiping surfaces can help reduce the ordeals of infection. Regular cleaning ensures that individuals do not have asthma or other allergies. Therefore, embracing an effective daily routine of cleanliness is vital as it reduces people’s chances of deteriorating their health.
Current Diet and Lifestyle
I have no specific food that I eat for breakfast, lunch, and supper for different days. Mostly, I eat sweet bread every morning. Sometimes, I do not take breakfast during weekdays. At lunch, I eat different fast foods, more so, snacks. Fewer vegetables and fruits per week, concentrating more on meat, pizza, and fish. Less whole grains. Moreover, most of the grains which I eat are refined. I drink yogurt at least once per day during afternoons. Lastly, there are no specific foods for breakfast, lunch, and supper.
Personal Exercise Pattern and Exposure to stress
I ride a bicycle every morning and evening for at least one kilometer and perform twenty sit-ups every morning and evening. In addition, I engage in swimming at least once per week. The high workplace sounds are one of the factors that expose me to stress. Long working hours equally put me under pressure, hence developing stress. A colossal workload equally increases my stress levels.
Identification and Understanding of Health Issues
Ideal menu plan, lifestyle improvements.
I will be sleeping early. Eating a regular-well balanced diet. Maintain a healthy body weight. Engaging in regular physical activities. Increase the water consumption rate. Track my progress.
My improvements were useful, and I adequately achieved my expectations. I expected to lose one and a half pounds of weight, but I lost two pounds, which is a tremendous achievement. I intend to adopt the same healthy lifestyle to keep my body fit and diseases-free. Therefore, people should embrace a healthy diet and engage in physical activities to refresh their minds, hence reducing the daily stress levels and equally maintaining an excellent physique.
Conclusively, engaging in regular activities and considering a nutritive diet should be the ultimate goal of every person. Individuals should consider an effective health promotion plan to adopt good health. Regular exercises keep the body fit, enhancing both aerobic and anaerobic respiration. A better and nutritive foods give the body the required strength and immunity to fight against pathogens. There is a need for people to consider the foods which they purchase and equally engage in physical activities.
Murimi, M.W., et al., (2017) ‘Factors influencing the efficacy of nutrition education interventions: a systematic review’, Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior , 49 (2), pp.142-165. Web.
Familydoctor.org. (2020) Social and Cultural factors that can influence your health . Web.
Jarvis, C. (2018) Physical Examination and Health Assessment-Canadian E-Book . Elsevier Health Sciences.
Simkin, P. et al. (2016) Preconception: improve your health and enhance fertility: a free prequel to pregnancy, childbirth, & the newborn . Dublin: Simon and Schuster.
Wong, J.S. and Lee, J.K.F. (2019) ‘The common missed handwashing instances and areas after 15 years of hand-hygiene education’, Journal of Environmental and Public Health , 2019 . Web.
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IvyPanda. (2022, February 28). Personal Health Promotion Plan. https://ivypanda.com/essays/personal-health-promotion-plan/
"Personal Health Promotion Plan." IvyPanda , 28 Feb. 2022, ivypanda.com/essays/personal-health-promotion-plan/.
IvyPanda . (2022) 'Personal Health Promotion Plan'. 28 February.
IvyPanda . 2022. "Personal Health Promotion Plan." February 28, 2022. https://ivypanda.com/essays/personal-health-promotion-plan/.
1. IvyPanda . "Personal Health Promotion Plan." February 28, 2022. https://ivypanda.com/essays/personal-health-promotion-plan/.
IvyPanda . "Personal Health Promotion Plan." February 28, 2022. https://ivypanda.com/essays/personal-health-promotion-plan/.
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- As a source of information (ensure proper referencing)
- As a template for you assignment
The following essay will provide a brief discussion on the process used to develop a health promotion poster (See Appendix 1) and later discuss the application of health promotion strategies for preventing illness and making every contact count across the lifespan.
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Health promotion is demonstrated by the sensation of responsibility over one's own life and the desire to maintain one's health.
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Health promotion takes into account the environmental and social factors which have an effect on health. In order to have a better outcome, therefore; it is better to take into consideration interventions that focus on any factor that affects the health of human beings.
Get a custom essay on Personal Health Promotion Plan. Devise a personal health promotion program which can empower people to choose an effective and fitness behavior. Reduce the risks of people developing chronic diseases and other-related morbidities.